Karolina Schönbaum

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Karolina Schönbaum

Also Known As: "Klara"
Birthplace: Myslkovice Miskowitz, Czechia (Czech Republic)
Immediate Family:

Daughter of Wolf Adolph Schönbaum and Esterl Schönbaum
Sister of Anna Stern; Katharina Schönbaum; Philipp Schönbaum; Joseph Schönbaum; Rosalia Spitz and 1 other
Half sister of Markus Schönbaum and Enoch Schönbaum

Managed by: Thomas Fürth
Last Updated:

About Karolina Schönbaum

Land registrer Velkostatek Myslkovice 4 Os So 42 1837-1854; Image 221; page 202 Wolf Schönbach inventory 27 Nov 1846 Page 1 https://digi.ceskearchivy.cz/127328/221/3273/2769/43/0

There are no birth records for Myslkovice before 1869. However the BMD index Myslkovice 1326 starts much earlier than 1869. On image 56; no I/32/293 you could find Klara Schönbaum and according to known birth dates of preceeding names and names following Klara Schönbaum she must have been born abt. 1827 to 1828. Se also Praha HBMa 2897 index O 1799- image 22; this is an index of BMD of Myslkovice and Tucap and not Prague (TF 2020-05-09)

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Karolina Schönbaum's Timeline

Myslkovice Miskowitz, Czechia (Czech Republic)