Kerstin Gudmundsdotter

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Kerstin Gudmundsdotter

Birthplace: Ryd Norrgård, Tofteryd, Skillingaryd, Vaggeryd, Jönköpings län, Sweden
Death: April 22, 1714 (11)
Ryd Norrgård, Tofteryd, Skillingaryd, Vaggeryd, Jönköpings län, Sweden
Immediate Family:

Daughter of Gudmund Gudmundsson and Ingierd Gudmundsson
Sister of Ingeborg Gudmundsdotter; Elin Gudmundsdotter; Karin Gudmundsdotter; Per Gudmundsson; Elin Gudmundsdotter and 2 others

Managed by: Linn Hilda Linnea Lamberg
Last Updated:
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Kerstin Gudmundsdotter's Timeline

January 13, 1703
Ryd Norrgård, Tofteryd, Skillingaryd, Vaggeryd, Jönköpings län, Sweden
April 22, 1714
Age 11
Ryd Norrgård, Tofteryd, Skillingaryd, Vaggeryd, Jönköpings län, Sweden