Laurs Christian Nielsen Lund

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Laurs Christian Nielsen Lund (1800 - d.)

Birthplace: Bejstrup, Øster Han, Thisted, Danmark (Denmark)
Immediate Family:

Son of Niels Thomsen Lund and Anne Christensdatter
Brother of Thomas Nielsen Lund; Christen Nielsen Lund; Niels Christian Nielsen Lund; Mariane Nielsdatter; Jens Nielsen Lund and 2 others
Half brother of Mariane Nielsdatter

Managed by: Private User
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Laurs Christian Nielsen Lund's Timeline

June 4, 1800
hjd. publ. 14. juni 1800, Bejstrup opsl. 44/90
Bejstrup, Øster Han, Thisted, Danmark (Denmark)