Carlisle, Pa., Dec. 17. - Two prominent county residents died suddenly Saturday morning. As the result of a stroke sustained on Tuesday, Lemuel T. Brenneman, a prominent stock dealer and farm owner, died here. H.F. Waggoner, residing just west of Carlisle, fell over dead while sawing wood to warm his house.
Mr. Brenneman was 58 years old and was connected with prominent families in this section. Mr. Waggoner was a Civil War veteran and served with the Two Hundred and Ninth Pennsylvania.
Harrisburg Telegraph (Harrisburg, PA), Monday, December 17, 1917; pg. 8
1859 |
May 26, 1859
Pennsylvania, USA
1881 |
February 25, 1881
Pennsylvania, United States
1917 |
December 14, 1917
Age 58
Carlisle, Cumberland County, Pennsylvania, USA
???? |
Old Graveyard, Carlisle, Cumberland County, Pennsylvania, USA