Historical records matching Lenore Charlotte Bourus
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Immediate Family
About Lenore Charlotte Bourus
From San Mateo Times, September 2, 1958 -- "wife of Joseph M. Bourus, died suddenly of a heart attack Friday at Sequoia Hospital. Her husband had retired two years ago as vice - president and treasurer of the San Diego Gas and Electric company, and the couple Had lived in Woodside since. In addition to her husband, she is survived by two sons, Joseph M. Bourus Jr. of San Carlos and - Major George J, Bourus of the United States Air Force in Middlletown, Pa.; a sister. Miss. H. C. Neal of Los Angeles; and two brothers, Lee Sinclair and S Sinclair, both of Los Angeles. Funeral services were held this morning from Kedwood Chapel."
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Lenore Charlotte Bourus's Timeline
1889 |
April 23, 1889
California, United States
1913 |
June 9, 1913
Oklahoma, United States
1917 |
October 16, 1917
Oklahoma, United States
1958 |
August 29, 1958
Age 69
San Mateo, San Mateo County, California, United States