29 53 Sqn. Hudson AM784 TR-G shot down into the Baltic Sea, F/S D.C. Imeson, Sgt J.A.E. Hann RAF and Sgt L.V. Schafer RAF (S. Rhod.) killed, Sgt W.J. Wilkinson RAF missing (www.number59.com, R. McNeill www.rafcommands.com). (Source: https://www.bombercommandmuseumarchives.ca/canadaairwar/canadaairwa...)
Grave Site: https://www.findagrave.com/memorial/18427526/leonard-victor-schafer
1918 |
Mowbray, Kaapstad, Cape Town, WC, South Africa
1942 |
May 29, 1942
Age 24
???? |
Sage War Cemetery, 3 Sager Straße, Großenkneten, NDS, 26197, Germany