Immediate Family
About Levie Salomon / Zanwil van Oesteren-Levie Milchman Family Page Levie Salomon Zanwil v.Oesteren-Levie Milchman, birth 7 Feb 1785 Amsterdam, 'Circumcisions and Births in Amsterdam 1697-1811, by Jits v.Straten': on 14 Feb 1785 - circumcision of Judaleib ben Zanwil Levie-Oesterman, son of Salomon Zanwil Mozes v.Oesteren-Levie Melkman and Mietje Levie Event: event 18 Jun 1815 Amsterdam death of child: G.A.A. Amsterdam - death registrations: Betje v.Oostrum, 4 months old, born in Kolm, daughter of Levie Samuel v.Oostrum & Mietje Mullem. Notifier: Abraham Mullem, 76 yrs.old, greatuncle. (info courtesy of Dini Hansma) Married 1808 Amsterdam, dtb 657/23; witn.groom: f.Salomon Mozes Levie; witn.bride: f.Barend Mozes Mulheim. Tnaim acharonim in act 5568/39 on 2nd day of Rosh Chodesh Tammuz 5568; groom: Leib ben Zanwil Levie m.h.l; bride: Merle, accompanied by father Baruch ben Moshe Millem, who donates fl. 2000,- to the dowry; amount of ketuba: fl. 3000,-; and all other details will be as specified in the marriage contract made up before notary Jan Christiaan Meyer & witnes ses on Jun 23rd, 1808; brothers groom: Moshe & Itsak Levie; mother bride: Pes bat Leizer. to: Mietje Merle Barend Baruch Mulheim, birth 1783 Amsterdam, daughter of Barend Baruch Mozes Mulheim Millem and Betje Pes Eliaser leizer/ Groe 1) Hendele Levie Leib v.Oesteren-Levie, birth 3 May 1810 Amsterdam, 'Circumcisions and Births in Amsterdam 1697-1811, by Jits v.Straten': on 3 May 1810 - birth of Hendele bat Leib Milchman; child's mother: Merle bat Baruch Mullem.
Levie Salomon / Zanwil van Oesteren-Levie Milchman's Timeline
1785 |
February 7, 1785
Amsterdam, Noord-Holland, Nederland (Netherlands)
1810 |
May 3, 1810
Amsterdam, Government of Amsterdam, North Holland, The Netherlands
1813 |
October 2, 1813
Leek, Leek, Groningen, Netherlands
1831 |
April 24, 1831
Age 46
New Orleans, Orleans Parish, LA, United States