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Liisa Hinn (Hass)

Also Known As: "Liisa", "Liso", "Lisa"
Death: January 08, 1906 (24)
Vastseliina (suri sünnitamisel)
Immediate Family:

Daughter of Juhan Hass and Lotta Hass
Wife of Peeter Hinn
Mother of Karl Eduard Hinn
Sister of Poeg Hass; August Hass; Leena Hass; Ann Hass; Sohvi Keggo and 4 others
Half sister of Julie Hass and Leena Hass

Managed by: Endel Pendin
Last Updated:
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Immediate Family

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Liisa Hinn's Timeline

December 9, 1881
November 15, 1903
Novorotski, Pskov, Gorod Pskov, Pskov Oblast, Russia (Russian Federation)
January 8, 1906
Age 24