By this time, possibly earlier, Bridges had handed over his business to his ‘reputed son’ Francis Freeling Tuke, whose birth must have predated Bridges’s marriage, and whose mother, Mrs. Louisa Tuke, occupied a house on his property at Chigwell, Essex... Louisa Tuke received an annuity of £50 and their son got Bridges’s farms in the Maldon area of Essex, houses and property in Fenchurch Street and Crutched Friars, plus a half-share with John Gray, another London wine merchant, in real estate in New Brunswick and Canada and in the residue of the personal estate. (https://www.historyofparliamentonline.org/volume/1820-1832/member/b...).
1770 |
London, England (United Kingdom)
1797 |
January 29, 1797
Chigwell, Essex, England (United Kingdom)
1862 |
Age 92
England (United Kingdom)
Age 92
England (United Kingdom)