Lucretia Pratt

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Lucretia Pratt

Birthplace: <Burlington, Bradford, Pa>
Death: September 02, 1874 (66-75)
Washington Co., Iowa
Place of Burial: Benson cemetery, Marion Twp., Washington Co., IA
Immediate Family:

Daughter of Ephraim Pratt and Anna Ballard
Sister of Asenath Pratt; Sophia Pratt; Nancy Pratt; Luther Pratt; Ephriam Pratt and 6 others

Managed by: David Kurt Nelson
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Immediate Family

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Lucretia Pratt's Timeline

<Burlington, Bradford, Pa>
Age 57
Crawford, Washington, Iowa
September 2, 1874
Age 71
Washington Co., Iowa
September 1874
Age 71
Benson cemetery, Marion Twp., Washington Co., IA