Ludwig Pfaff

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Ludwig Pfaff

Birthplace: Petersthal, Odessa, Ukraine, Russia (Russian Federation)
Death: January 02, 1853 (11 days)
Petersthal, Odessa, Ukraine, Russia (Russian Federation)
Immediate Family:

Son of Johannes Jacob Pfaff and Maria Carolina Christmann
Brother of Johannes Pfaff; Philip Pfaff; Carolina Pfaff; Peter Pfaff; Gottlieb Pfaff and 4 others

Managed by: Gordon Pennell
Last Updated:
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Ludwig Pfaff's Timeline

December 22, 1852
Petersthal, Odessa, Ukraine, Russia (Russian Federation)
December 26, 1852
Freudental, Odessa, Kherson, Russia (Russian Federation)
January 2, 1853
Petersthal, Odessa, Ukraine, Russia (Russian Federation)