Margarita Margarete LANG, née BERGER: b. 31 Aug 1901, Wien - d. after 2 Sept 1942, Auschwitz, HOLOCAUST
Basic birth data from IKG-Wien archives courtesy of www.genteam.at
Nr. 10580 Familienname Berger Vorname Margarita Code 1 Vorname des Vaters Julius Name der Mutter Königstein Vorname der Mutter Gisella Ort Wien Buch Nr. X2 1901 Band X Datum 31.08.1901 Zahl 2133
Details from actual IKG-Wien birth registration, viewable courtesy of:
1901.08.31 - Margarita BERGER - IKG-Wien BR:
Father: Julius BERGER, "Fleischhauer", b. Bur Szt. Georgy
Mother: Gisella KÖNIGSTEIN, b. Wien
m. 26.08.1900, Magyarfalvu
Basic marriage data from IKG-Wien archives courtesy of www.genteam.at
Nr. 275254 Familienname Berger Vorname Margarita Code 2 Vorname des Vaters Name der Mutter Vorname der Mutter Ort Ottakring Buch Nr. Band Datum 1922 Zahl 37 Zusatz zur Zahl Folio Anmerkung Name der Braut Lang Vorname der Braut Victor, Dr.
Listed under those who left Jewish community, as per www.genteam.at
Nr. 13913 Familienname Lang Vorname Margarita Geburtsname Berger Zahl 2230 Zahl Zusatz Alter 37 Austrittsdatum 16.07.1938 Geburtsdatum 31.08.1901 Geburtsort Wien Bezirk Land Stand verh. Beruf Wien Bezirk 8 Wien Strasse Laudong. Haus Nr. 37 zu Religion Anmerkung
Details of deportation and subsequent death courtesy of:
The LANG family were in the region of Nice, Côte d'Azur, where they were rounded up in the notorious "Rafles d'août" in August 1942. The arrested Jewish citizens were incarcerated in the Caserne Auvare for a while before being put on a goods train, in locked-up wagons, and transferred to Drancy.
cf. Archives Départémentales des Alpes Maritimes:
Victor: Chambre # 511, Voiture # 19
Margarete & children. Chambre # 45, Voiture # 6.
Also cf. listing thanks to:
Details of further deportation and subsequent death courtesy of:
Mémorial de la Shoah
Features actual list of deportation (shown here under "Media")
Convoi # 29.
Also cf. www.doew.at - though there is an error re. the whole family's place of deportation.
Vorname: Margarete Nachname: Lang Geburtstag: 31.08.1901 Geburtsort: Wien Wohnort: Wien 8, Laudongasse 37
Deportation: Westerbork/Auschwitz
Nicht überlebt
Quelle: Shoah-Opfer
1901 |
August 31, 1901
Vienna, Wien, Wien, Austria
1924 |
October 2, 1924
Vienna, Wien, Wien, Austria
1932 |
July 8, 1932
Vienna, Wien, Wien, Austria
1942 |
September 2, 1942
Age 41
Auschwitz, Oświęcim, Oświęcim County, Lillepolen, Poland