Maria Antonia CHENEVIER

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Maria Antonia CHENEVIER (1797 - 1847)

Birthplace: Villeneuve, 11018, Vallée d'Aoste, Italie
Death: May 11, 1847 (50)
Villeneuve, 11018, Vallée d'Aoste, Italie
Immediate Family:

Daughter of Joannes Jocundus CHENEVIER and Maria Antonia CHENEVIER
Wife of Joannes Andreas BRIS, BRIX
Mother of Marie Hélène BRIS, BRIX and Petrus Cyprianus BRIS, BRIX
Sister of Maria Pantaleona CHENEVIER; Blandina CHENEVIER; Jean Georges Joannes Georgius CHENEVIER and Modesta Seraphina CHENEVIER

Managed by: Daniel D'HERIN
Last Updated:
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Maria Antonia CHENEVIER's Timeline

May 8, 1797
Villeneuve, 11018, Vallée d'Aoste, Italie
August 27, 1835
Villeneuve, Vallée d'Aoste, Italie
April 5, 1837
Villeneuve, Vallée d'Aoste, Italie
May 11, 1847
Age 50
Villeneuve, 11018, Vallée d'Aoste, Italie