Maria Elisabet Esaiasdotter Löthman

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Maria Elisabet Esaiasdotter Löthman's Geni Profile

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Maria Elisabet Esaiasdotter Löthman

Swedish: Maria Elisabeth Esaiasdotter Löthman, Finnish: Maria Liisa Esaiaksentytär Löthman
Birthplace: Ii, Northern Ostrobothnia, Finland
Death: October 07, 1832 (20)
Söder Ijå, Ii, Northern Ostrobothnia, Finland (rödsöt)
Place of Burial: Ii, Northern Ostrobothnia, Finland
Immediate Family:

Daughter of Esaias Ludvig Johansson Löthman and Carin Pehrsdotter Löthman
Sister of Caisa Greta Esaiasdotter Putaansuu and Gustaf Esaias Ludvigsson Löthman
Half sister of Ludvig Esaiasson Löthman; Pehr Pehrsson Teppo, Moilanen; Johan Persson Moilanen; Jakob Persson Moilanen; Maria Karinsdotter Teppo and 2 others

Managed by: Jouni Johannes Ruohonen
Last Updated:

About Maria Elisabet Esaiasdotter Löthman

Iin seurakunnan arkisto - IC:4 Syntyneiden luettelot 1778-1812, jakso 254, sivu 496-497: födde och döpta 1812 maj - juli; Kansallisarkisto: / Viitattu 17.7.2023

Ii rippikirja 1812-1818, Söder Ijå, N:o 19 Joensuu, sivu 61, kuva 68, / Viitattu 17.07.2022

Ii kuolleet, / Viitattu 17.07.2023

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Maria Elisabet Esaiasdotter Löthman's Timeline

June 2, 1812
Ii, Northern Ostrobothnia, Finland
October 7, 1832
Age 20
Söder Ijå, Ii, Northern Ostrobothnia, Finland
October 13, 1832
Age 20
Ii, Northern Ostrobothnia, Finland