Maria Francisca Müller

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Maria Francisca Müller (Thiele)

Also Known As: "Thielen"
Birthplace: Tietelsen, Westfalen, Deutschland (Germany)
Death: May 29, 1838 (41)
Tietelsen, Westfalen, Deutschland (Germany)
Immediate Family:

Daughter of Joannes Georgius Thielen and Ludovica Thielen
Wife of Joseph Friedrich Müller
Mother of Christina Ludovica Müller; Anna Maria Theresia Müller; Friedrich Joseph August Müller and Ludewica Margaretha Anke
Sister of Maria Regina Micus verw. Sievers; Joannes Conradus Thielen; Anna Maria Ludovica Catharina Thielen; Joannes Henricus Josephus Bernhardus Thielen; Eva Maria Cath. Elisabeth Thielen and 3 others

Managed by: Private User
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Über Maria Francisca Müller (Deutsch)

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Maria Francisca Müller's Timeline

September 30, 1796
Tietelsen, Westfalen, Deutschland (Germany)
October 1, 1796
Tietelsen, Westfalen, Deutschland (Germany)
July 29, 1827
Tietelsen, Westfalen, Deutschland (Germany)
December 22, 1828
Tietelsen, Westfalen, Deutschland (Germany)
September 27, 1831
Tietelsen, Westfalen, Deutschland (Germany)
December 26, 1834
Tietelsen, Westfalen, Deutschland (Germany)
May 29, 1838
Age 41
Tietelsen, Westfalen, Deutschland (Germany)