Marie Alberte Germaine AUSTRY

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Marie Alberte Germaine AUSTRY

Birthplace: [Le Négral] - Lugan, 12134, Aveyron, Midi-Pyrénées, France
Death: May 06, 1892 (3 weeks)
[Le Négral] - Lugan, 12134, Aveyron, Midi-Pyrénées, France
Immediate Family:

Daughter of Adrien AUSTRY and Marie Virginie FOISSAC
Sister of Jean Gabriel Fernand AUSTRY; Ernest Adrien Auguste AUSTRY; Marius Julien AUSTRY and Adrien Firmin AUSTRY

Managed by: Annie Solignac
Last Updated:
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Marie Alberte Germaine AUSTRY's Timeline

April 12, 1892
[Le Négral] - Lugan, 12134, Aveyron, Midi-Pyrénées, France
May 6, 1892
[Le Négral] - Lugan, 12134, Aveyron, Midi-Pyrénées, France