Marie, Augustin LERICOLAIS

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Marie, Augustin LERICOLAIS

Birthplace: Virey, 50, Manche, Normandie, FRANCE
Death: September 17, 1744 (4 months)
Virey, 50, Manche, Normandie, FRANCE
Place of Burial: [Dans le cimetire] - Virey, 50, Manche, Normandie, FRANCE
Immediate Family:

Son of Simon LERICOLAIS and Jacqueline, Elisabeth FORTIN
Brother of Sieur de la Hamonnire Eustache LERICOLAIS; Joseph LERICOLAIS; Julienne, Jacqueline LERICOLAIS; Michel, Franois LERICOLAIS; Jean, Francois LERICOLAIS and 3 others

Managed by: Michel Alain Ren Lon FOSSARD
Last Updated:
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Marie, Augustin LERICOLAIS's Timeline

May 4, 1744
Virey, 50, Manche, Normandie, FRANCE
May 5, 1744
Virey, 50, Manche, Normandie, FRANCE
September 17, 1744
Virey, 50, Manche, Normandie, FRANCE
September 18, 1744
[Dans le cimetire] - Virey, 50, Manche, Normandie, FRANCE