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Marri Wiedemann (Pilberg)

Also Known As: "Junsi Jaani", "Mari"
Death: July 13, 1881 (67)
Immediate Family:

Daughter of [Nehatu Titso Reino Tõnno] Jaan Pilberg and Ann Pilberg
Wife of Jaak Wiedemann
Mother of Jaan Wiedemann; Kai Wiedemann; Ann Wiedemann and Madis Wiedemann
Sister of Lena; Tõnno Pilberg; Thomas [Junsi Jaani]; Kert Pilberg; Jürri Pilberg and 2 others

Managed by: Arne Pajula
Last Updated:

About Marri Wiedemann

Sünniaeg peaks jääma ilmselt kuhugi augusti 1811, kuna 20.07.1816 dateeritud hingeloendis on ta märgitud 4. a. vanuseks. Vend sündis 1812 septembris, erit palju tihedamaks see sünnitamine enamasti minna ei saagi.,1014,...

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Marri Wiedemann's Timeline

September 3, 1813
October 5, 1844
January 1, 1847
February 13, 1849
March 28, 1851
Väätsa, Väätsa, Järva County, Estonia
July 13, 1881
Age 67