public profile
Marty was born May 23, 1956, 8 lbs. 1 oz., exactly the same as Sandra,at his arrival. Even in 1960 they were the same height and both weighed 45 lbs. They were often taken for twins. He didn't stay the same though as he was 6'1” at 17.\rMarty, from the beginning, has been his dad's boy. He would call for him at night except whenhe was sick, then he called for mom. Marven and Marty were always together learning and having fun. Marty is very athletic-and is good at all sports. He is our drawing\r-card for a lot of fun as he plays center on the high school basket ball team. He was namedmost outstanding player in Southern Alberta past year. He is Marven and Lynn's right-hand man. He has been able to drive all the machinery at a very early age.
Fern Dolores Christie Christie Web Site <p>Stamboom op MyHeritage.com</p><p>Familiesite: Christie Web Site</p>Stamboom: bowser 20141023 Smart Matching 252016471-1 MH:S466
Martin Marven Hirsche 3 1 JUN 2016 Toegevoegd door een Smart Match te bevestigen Smart Matching 1008846
BillionGraves MyHeritage <A href="http://www.billiongraves.com/" target="_blank">www.billiongraves.com Collection 10147 MH:S500043
https://www.myheritage.nl/research/collection-10147/billiongraves?i... 4 <p>Martin Marven HirscheGeboorte: 23 mei 1956Overlijden: 11 mei 2003Begrafenis: Stirling Cemetery, Warner County No. 5, Alberta, CanadaMeer foto's: </p><p>tttttt</p><p>tttttt </p><p>ttttttt</p><p>ttttttt</p><p>ttttttt</p><p>tttttttt</p><p>tttttttt</p><p>tttttttt</p><p>ttttttt</p><p>tttttt</p>ttttt
1956 |
May 23, 1956
Lethbridge Alberta (CAN)
2003 |
May 11, 2003
Age 46
May 15, 2003
Age 46
Stirling Cemetery, Warner County No. 5, Alberta, Canada