Historical records matching Mary Ellen Felmey
Immediate Family
About Mary Ellen Felmey
The Millville Daily (Millville, New Jersey)
Thursday, 01-Dec-1927, page 1
Mother of Former Mayor Succumbed to Stroke of Paralysis at Home of Son
After four days of illness, Mrs. Mary E. Felmey, widow of the late Theodore A. Felmey, and mother of former mayor Walter H. Felmey, passed away yesterday afternoon, at Bridgeton, at the age of 77 years.
Mrs. Felmey was in good health until she was stricken last Saturday with paralysis and her condition was regarded as serious since she suffered the stroke, but she remained conscious until the last and recognized the relatives who had been called to her bedside.
For a time, Mrs. Felmey resided in Millville with her son, Walter, at his home on North Second street, for the past two years, however, she has been with her son, Edwin, on a farm near the county seat.
She was of true Christian character and was a worker in the Trinity M.E. Church, at Bridgeton, and had taught a class in the Sabbath School.
Her husband died 14 years go. There are surviving four sons: Edwin, Theodore A. and LeRoy Felmey, of Bridgeton, and Walter H. Felmey, of Millville.
The funeral will be held from the residence of her son, Theodore A. Felmey, on Hampton street, Bridgeton, on Saturday afternoon, December 17, at 2:30 o'clock.* Reference: Find A Grave Memorial - SmartCopy: Mar 18 2023, 9:17:17 UTC
Mary Ellen Felmey's Timeline
1850 |
August 27, 1850
Fairfield Township, Cumberland County, New Jersey, USA
1871 |
July 12, 1871
Bridgeton, Cumberland County, New Jersey, USA
1873 |
June 29, 1873
Bridgeton, Cumberland County, New Jersey, USA
1874 |
August 24, 1874
Hopewell Township, Cumberland County, New Jersey, USA
1876 |
May 26, 1876
Bridgeton, Cumberland County, New Jersey, USA
1878 |
June 24, 1878
Hopewell Twp, Cumberland, NJ, United States
1927 |
December 14, 1927
Age 77
Bridgeton, Cumberland , USA
???? |
Overlook Cemetery, Bridgeton, Cumberland County, New Jersey, USA