Immediate Family
About Master Robert Glen of Inchkerie, younger
Evidence from the Records of the Burgh of Edinburgh
7 August 1583: Glen. Mr. Robert, B. and G., yor., as eldest s. to Mr. Robert G., elder, B. and G. Edinburgh Burgesses: 209
19 February 1617: Hamilton. Patrik, B. and G., minr. at Innerweik (corslet), by r. of w. Elizabeth, dr. to umq. Mr. Rot. Glen, yor., B. and G. Edinburgh Burgesses: 233
Evidence from the National Records of Scotland
25 February 1603: Transumpt of Instrument of Sasine propriis manibus by Mr. Robert Glen of Eynchekerrie [Inchkerie] in favour of Robert Glen, his second son, of the annualrent in GD26/3/799, reserving to said granter and Elizabeth Cairnes [Cairns], his spouse, their liferent thereof, and right to redeem said annualrent by payment of a rose noble. National Records of Scotland, Papers of the Leslie family, Earls of Leven and Melville, reference GD26/3/821
15 June 1605: Transumpt of Disposition by Mr. Robert Glen of Inchkerrie [Inchkerie] to Robert Glen, his second son, of the annualrents as in GD26/3/799 and GD26/3/819, and writs relating thereto. National Records of Scotland, Papers of the Leslie family, Earls of Leven and Melville, reference GD26/3/822
1 August 1618: Transumpt of Disposition and Assignation by Robert Glen, second son of deceased Mr. Robert Glen of Inchekerrie [Inchkerie], to Sir George Aerskin [Erskine] of Innerteill [Invertiel], kt., of the annualrents and writs in GD26/3/822. National Records of Scotland, Papers of the Leslie family, Earls of Leven and Melville, reference GD26/3/830
6 December 1621: Ratification and Discharge by Robert Glen, grandson and heir to deceased Mr. Robert Glen of Inschkirie, with consent of Margaret Balfour, his mother, of Contract, dated 22 & 23 Jan., 1617 made between aforesaid Robert and Margaret on one part and James Wardlaw, brother to Andrew Wardlaw of Torrie, on the other part, whereby said Robert Glen, having now reached the age of 21, ratifies sale of lands of Inschkirie to said James Wardlaw and discharges him of 1200 merks Scots as part payment of liferent due to said Margaret Balfour. National Records of Scotland, Erskine family of Cardross, Perthshire, reference GD15/444
5 December 1624: Discharge by Elizabeth Cairnes, relict of Mr. Robert Glen of Inschkerie, to James Wardlaw of Waster Inzefair, £50 Scots. National Records of Scotland, Erskine family of Cardross, Perthshire, reference GD15/649
14 July 1626: Letters of Inhibition at the instance of Elizabeth Cairnes, relict of Mr. Robert Glen of Inshkerie against James Wardlaw, brother to deceased Andrew Wardlaw of Torrie, inhibiting him from disposing of his lands, goods and gear until payment of sum due by him in contract dated 22 & 23 Jan. and 18 June 1617 between said James Wardlaw as principal, with deceased Mr. Patrick Wardlaw designed therein of Bruntoune now of Torrie, as cautioner, on the one part, and Robert Glen, grandson and heir of deceased Mr. Robert Glen of Inshkerie, with advice of his curators, on the other part. National Records of Scotland, Erskine family of Cardross, Perthshire, reference GD15/454#
28 May 1628:Discharge by Elizabeth Cairnes, relict of Mr. Robert Glen of Inschkerie, to James Wardlaw of Waster Inzefair, £50 Scots. National Records of Scotland, Erskine family of Cardross, Perthshire, reference GD15/649
12 November 1629: Discharge by Elizabeth Cairnes, relict of Mr. Robert Glen of Inschkerie, to James Wardlaw of Waster Inzefair, £50 Scots. National Records of Scotland, Erskine family of Cardross, Perthshire, reference GD15/649
22 November 1631: Extract Registered Assignation by Elizabeth Cairnes, relict of Mr. Robert Glen younger of Incshecarie, to Mr. Patrick Hammiltoune, minister at Innerweik, of Contract, dated 22 & 23 Jan. and 28 June 1617, between deceased James Wardlaw of Torrie and said Elizabeth Cairnes whereby said Elizabeth has liferent of 1550 merks Scots. National Records of Scotland, Erskine family of Cardross, Perthshire, reference GD15/483
31 July 1634: Letters of Inhibition and Arrestment at instance of Mr. Patrick Hamyltoune, minister at Innervick, against Andrew Wardlaw, brother and heir to deceased James Wardlaw of Torrie, for failure to pay £203 Scots in fulfilment of Contract, dated 22 & 23 Jan. and 28 June, 1630, made between said deceased James Wardlaw and deceased Elizabeth Cairnes, relict of Mr. Robert Glen of Inschkerrie; and execution thereof, dated 1 Aug., 1634. National Records of Scotland, Erskine family of Cardross, Perthshire, reference GD15/499
Printed Evidence
Master Robert Glen of Inchkerie, younger's Timeline
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February 19, 1617
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