Historical records matching Mathias Cholet
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Immediate Family
About Mathias Cholet
- Census: 1851 - in St. Polycarpe with father and step mother and family
- Residence: Ogdensburg, NY Listed in 1865 state census (see source) - 1865
- Census: 1870 - Could not find family in Ogdensburg, but did find a Philomen Charlott, age 10
- Immigration: 1877
- Residence: 333 Ford St., Ogdensburg--working as peddler - 1879
- Census: 1880 - Ogdensburg, NY--see census, in source and in notes
- Residence: 50 David St, Ogdensburg, listed as peddler - 1894
- Residence: 48 David St. Ogdensburg, NY - 1896
- Census: 1900 - at 48 David St in Ogdensburg, NY
- Reference: MyHeritage Family Trees - SmartCopy: Jun 2 2020, 23:41:51 UTC
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Mathias Cholet's Timeline
1833 |
August 29, 1833
St. Polycarpe, Qc
1857 |
February 14, 1857
St. Polycarpe, Qc.
1859 |
June 20, 1859
St. Polycarpe, Qc.
1860 |
November 30, 1860
St. Polycarpe, Qc.
1862 |
March 14, 1862
St. Polycarpe, Qc.
1863 |
May 16, 1863
St. Polycarpe, Qc.
1865 |
November 1, 1865
Ogdensburg, New York
1867 |
November 17, 1867
Ste-Justine-de-Newton, Quebec, Canada
1869 |
October 17, 1869
Ste-Justine-de-Newton, Quebec, Canada
1872 |
October 13, 1872
Ste-Justine-de-Newton, Quebec, Canada, Quebec, Canada