Matilda Albertina Olausdotter

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Matilda Albertina Olausdotter (1860 - 1860)

Birthplace: Edshultshall Morlanda
Death: August 29, 1860 (7 months)
Edshultshall Morlanda
Immediate Family:

Daughter of Olaus Jönsson and Anna Maja Albrecktsdotter
Sister of Emma Karolina Karlsson; Johanna Mailda Olausdotter; Johan Albin Olausson; Olof Martin Olausson; Johanna Matilda Samuelsson and 1 other

Managed by: Ingela Grund
Last Updated:
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Matilda Albertina Olausdotter's Timeline

January 4, 1860
Edshultshall Morlanda
August 29, 1860
Edshultshall Morlanda