Matilda Katarina Eriksson

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Matilda Katarina Eriksson

Birthplace: Hällsjö, Dal (Y)
Death: May 23, 1957 (77)
Sel, Ytterlännäs (Y)
Immediate Family:

Daughter of Mats Eriksson and Katarina Magdalena Olofsdotter
Wife of Petrus / Per Kärrlander
Mother of Agnes Linnéa Kärrlander; Lydia Eriksson and Olga Ingegerd Eriksson
Sister of Olof Edvard Eriksson and Olivia Eriksson

Managed by: Per Joel Krister Holmström
Last Updated:
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Matilda Katarina Eriksson's Timeline

March 1, 1880
Hällsjö, Dal (Y)
December 5, 1903
Hällsjö, Dal (Y)
November 7, 1910
Hällsjö, Dal (Y)
March 9, 1913
Bursjö, Ytterlännäs (Y)
May 23, 1957
Age 77
Sel, Ytterlännäs (Y)