Michel Mattsson Jämsä

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Michel Mattsson Jämsä

Finnish: Mikko Matinpoika Jämsä
Also Known As: "Jamsa"
Birthplace: Jämsä, Lamminkylä, Toholampi, Finland
Death: January 16, 1845 (59)
Toholampi, Finland (tvinsot)
Place of Burial: Toholampi, Finland
Immediate Family:

Son of Matti Mikonpoika Jämsä and Maria Jaakontytär Jämsä
Husband of Priita Jaakontytär Tiilikkala and Maria Helena Huhtala
Father of Elisabeth Michelsdotter Jämsä; Maria Michelsdotter Jämsä; Anna Michelsdotter Jämsä; Jacob Michelsson Jämsä; Eva Michelsdotter Polvikoski and 4 others
Brother of Jaakko Matinpoika Jämsä; Jaakko Matinpoika Jamsa; Susanna Matintytär Jamsa; Anna Matintytär Jamsa; Matts Mattsson Jamsa and 1 other

Managed by: Private User
Last Updated:

About Michel Mattsson Jämsä

Toholammin seurakunnan arkisto - Rippikirja 1830-1845, jakso ; Kansallisarkisto:
+Hsb Michel Mattsson |5.11.1785 | |+16.1.1845
<16.1.1845 26.1.1845 Gårds Husbonden och Sexmax Michel Mattsson Jämsä tvinsot 59v2kk11pv>
+Hu Brita Jacobsdr |18.10.1792 |+31.3.1839
<31.3.1839 14.4.1839 vda Brita Jacobsdr. Jämsä convuls: 46v4kk13pv>
son Jeremias |10.3.1835
.< 30.6.1811 Bd.s.nk. Mich. Mattss: Jämsä Bd.dr.p. Brita Jacobsdr. Tilickala .
Far Matts Michelsson |21.8.1760
hu Maria |22.6.1762
<25.10.1782 U.Bd.s. Matts Michss: Jämsä p. Maria Jacdr. Nivala

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Michel Mattsson Jämsä's Timeline

November 5, 1785
Jämsä, Lamminkylä, Toholampi, Finland
August 1, 1812
Toholampi, Finland
March 10, 1814
Toholampi, Finland
March 22, 1816
Toholampi, Finland
June 13, 1817
Toholampi, Finland
June 10, 1820
Toholampi, Finland
August 4, 1825
Toholampi, Finland
January 11, 1833
Toholampi, Finland
March 10, 1835
Toholampi, Finland