Moritz Bien Dead- Silver State News -Sept 9, 1909 - Last Friday morning, Sept 3, death claimed another of Deer Lodge's old time and honored citizens in the person of Moritz Bien. He had for several years been a sufferer of asthma, on account of which he was compelled to retire from business two or more years ago. In the early days he was among the prominent business men of Blackfoot CIty, in this county, when it was a lively and prosperous mining camp, and came to Deer Lodge in 1870 where he engaged in the business and was still in the furniture and undertaking business when he was compelled by ill health to retire. He was a native of Germany, aged 79 years, and came to Montana in 1863 and in 1865 became a member of the Odd Fellows Lodge in this city, and was among the most esteemed members of that organization. Besides a faithful and loving wife who spent the past few years ministering to his every want, he is survived by 2 daughters, Mrs. Dennis Challoran of Mica, Wa. and Mrs. D.J. Jordan of this city and one son coroner Albert Bien, also of this city. The remains were escorted to the city cemetery Sunday afternoon, after funeral services under the auspices of the IOOF Lodge were held at the family residence, Rev F.E. Bancroft of the Presbyterian Church being the officiating minister.
1830 |
December 4, 1830
Naumburg, Saxony-Anhalt, Germany
1867 |
March 1867
Deer Lodge, Powell County, Montana, United States
1869 |
Montana, United States
1870 |
December 24, 1870
Deer Lodge, Powell County, Montana, United States
1872 |
Deer Lodge, Powell County, Montana, United States
1876 |
Deer Lodge, Powell County, Montana, United States
1909 |
September 3, 1909
Age 78
Deer Lodge, Powell County, Montana, United States