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Immediate Family
About Nancy Adams
The last will and testament of Nancy Adams dead in the name of God almighty. I Nancy Adams of the township of Center in the County of Indiana State of Pennsylvania and now in the eighty sixth year of my age bein weak in body but of perfect mind and memory thanks be to god for his mercies. Calling to mind the mortality of my body and knowing that it is appointed for all men once to die do make and ordain this my Last Will and testament in manner and the following. 1st I recommand my Soul unto the hands of the Almighty God who gave it and my body to the earth to be buried in a descent manner nothing doubting not at the general resurrection I shave receive the same again by the mighty powers of God and as touching souch worldly Estate as it hath pleased God to bless me in this life I give ... and dispose of in the following manner and form. 2nd I will and allow all my just debts and funeral expenses to be paid out my my Estate. 3rd I will and bequeth of my son Robert the sum of fifty Dollars. 4th I will and bequeth to my daughter Polly inter married with Archibald Haddan my beaural. 5th I will and bequeth to my daughter Jane intermarried with William Hadden my table. 6th I will and bequeth to my daughter Nancy intermarried with George McCartney my feather bed which is upstaids and the bedding belonging to the bed. 7th I will and bequeth to my grand daughter Penelopy daughter of goveu the bed on which I lye and the bedding belonging to the bed and the cubbard and the small pot and skilled and the sum of one hundera dollars each. 8th I will and bequeth the rest of my bedding amongs my four daughtersequally to with, Polly Jane Isabella and Nancy. 9th I will and bequeth to my son Jamesthe sum of twenty five dollars in cash.10th I will and bequeth to my grand daughter Penelopy daughter of James the sum of fifty Dollars in cash. 12th I will all the rest of my effects after foregoing bequeth is satisfied to my son Gaveu. Lastly I do constitute my two sons Robert and James Addams my whole and sole Exceutors of this my last will and testiment to take this care of and see the same ferformed according to the true intent and meaning there of. In Witness whereof I have here unto set my hand and seal, fifth Day of February in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and thrity six. Signed sealed and acknowledged in the presence of us this day and the year above written. Samuel Trimble, Gauru Adams sr. Be it remembered that on the 2nd day of September A.D. 1839 Before Fergus Gawon Register for the probateof Wills and for the said County was proved and approved the forgoing last will and Testament of Nancy Adams dead late of Center Township by the wittness of Samuel Triuble and Gauru Adams the subseribring witness.
Nancy Adams's Timeline
1750 |
Ulster, Ireland
1775 |
November 8, 1775
Indiana, PA
1780 |
Pennsylvania, United States
1781 |
Pennsylvania, United States
1786 |
1788 |
Indiana, Indiana County, Pennsylvania, United States
1791 |
April 11, 1791
Pennsylvania, United States
1796 |
Indiana, Indiana County, Pennsylvania, United States
1839 |
September 2, 1839
Age 89
Center twn, Indiana, PA