Nikolaus Jürgen Knobel

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Nikolaus Jürgen Knobel

Birthplace: Heidelberg, Karlsruhe, Baden, Germany
Death: July 16, 1901 (4 months)
Heidelberg, Karlsruhe, Baden, Germany
Place of Burial: Heidelberg, Karlsruhe, Baden, Germany
Immediate Family:

Son of Heinrich Johann Michael Knobel and Luise Knobel
Brother of Eugen Friedrich Knobel; Bertha Margarete Knobel; Ernst Heinrich Knobel; Friedrich Anton Knobel; Heinrich Wilhelm Knobel and 5 others

Managed by: Peter Bruce Knobel
Last Updated:

About Nikolaus Jürgen Knobel
Name: Nikolaus Jürgen KNOBEL
Birth: 16 March 1901
Death 16 July 1901 Heidelberg, Baden, Deutschland
Parents: Johann Michael KNOBEL and Luise RITTMANN
Brief Life History of Nikolaus Jürgen Knobel
When Nikolaus Jürgen Knobel was born on 16 March 1901, in Heidelberg, Baden, Germany, his father, Heinrich Johann Michael Knobel, was 30 and his mother, Luise Rittmann, was 24. He died on 16 July 1901, in his hometown, at the age of 0, and was buried in Heidelberg, Heidelberg, Baden, Germany.

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Nikolaus Jürgen Knobel's Timeline

March 16, 1901
Heidelberg, Karlsruhe, Baden, Germany
July 16, 1901
Heidelberg, Karlsruhe, Baden, Germany
July 19, 1901
Heidelberg, Karlsruhe, Baden, Germany