Olof Östensson

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Olof Östensson

Birthplace: Skureå, Sidensjö (Y)
Death: February 11, 1875 (63)
Skureå, Sidensjö (Y)
Immediate Family:

Son of Östen Jonsson and Brita Olofsdotter
Husband of Anna Stina Danielsdotter
Father of Daniel Olofsson Modell and Nils Olof Lindahl
Brother of Jonas Östensson; Nils Östensson and Lisa Stina Östensdotter

Occupation: Bonde
Managed by: Per Joel Krister Holmström
Last Updated:
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Olof Östensson's Timeline

December 24, 1811
Skureå, Sidensjö (Y)
May 10, 1833
Björna (Y)
January 30, 1838
Gideå, Björna (Y)
February 11, 1875
Age 63
Skureå, Sidensjö (Y)