From: "Lozza" <lozjohn@optusnet.com.au> Subject: Patrick Bowie of Keithock, Brechin Date: Fri, 27 Jan 2006 12:37:45 +1100
Hi List,
After many years of searching we have finally tracked my elusive ancestor, PATRICK BOWIE. Turns out that he was not just a figment of our imagination after all. Here are some of the details we have found - if anyone knows anything about this family, would appreciate hearing from you.
PATRICK GEORGE BOWIE Esquire of Keithock purchased much land and manor house of Keithock on his return from India in 1802, where he was a Surgeon in the East India Company for over 20 years. He was born/christened on 22nd August 1755 at St. Cuthbert's Blotter. He married MARGARET RAITT of Berkshire in 1803 - no issue. He died 9th March 1809 in Brechin, Angus.
His natural children were WILLIAM DICK born c.1791, ELIZABETH born May 1793, ALEXANDER, GEORGE and LOUISA. When the children were brought back from India in 1802 they lived in Kilbarchin, Renfrewshire. We purchased a film from the National Archives of Scotland, dealing with the succession of Patrick's estate to these children.
So far we have worked out that EDWARD BOWIE (a Tailor from Leith), who married CHRISTIAN JOLLY/JOLLIE on 26th November 1752 in St. Cuthbert's, were PATRICK's parents. EDWARD had a brother, ROBERT (a Tailor at Letham). CHRISTIAN had two brothers at least, JAMES and GERMAN.
PATRICK's brothers and sisters were GEORGE b/c 22nd October 1753, JAMES b/c 30th December 1757, EDWARD b/c 15 November 1759, ELIZABETH b/c 18th April 1762, CHRISTIAN b/c 6th September 1765, ROBERT b/c 16th December 1767, and ANDREW b/c 6th June 1771.
Regards, Lorraine Hosie Melbourne, Australia
From: "John" <lozjohn@optusnet.com.au> Subject: Patrick Bowie of Keithock Date: Wed, 2 Jun 2004 13:15:06 +1000
Hi Diana That was one reason for the query to the Lord Lyon. Hoping Patrick had a genealogical report attached. I know he had a mother and a sister. I know he was a surgeon with the East India Company maritime service and then in the Madras Presidency from 1773 to 1801 and that he has at least five children by an unknown woman/women in India. I know he married Margaret Raitt in 1803 in Edinburgh and died aged 62 in 1809 and buried in Brechin, Angus. Keithock is just north of Brechin. I think he could be the son of Patrick Bowie and Janet Young of St Cuthbert's in Edinburgh who had 3 other sons and 4 daughters. I know he had a cousin Mary Horsburgh nee Bowie who lived at Gayfield Square, Edinburgh. I cannot find any evidence that Patrick is the son. I presumed it was Bowie because it was under Bowie in Black's Surnames. He said it was a Sagittarius but merely canting. Sagittarius is depicted as a bowman. So, Diana, I would only be to pleased to find his parents. Where would Black have got his information?? Regards John Hosie Melbourne, Australia
From: "Peter Bailey" <peter@bailey718.fsworld.co.uk> Subject: Re: [India] BOWIE Madras 1781 Date: Sun, 4 Dec 2005 12:49:12 -0000 References: <000801c5f81a$0c20ee10$db6defdc@LOZJOHN>
John wrote:
Have found some information on Patrick BOWIE, Surgeon to 5th Native Inf.
at Ingaram. He had three kids by an Indian woman and then two more by a
Portugese woman named Flora. The question is as no record was found in the
British system, how does one access the Portugese records.
If this man married a Portuguese woman, it was most likely to have been in a Roman Catholic Church. R.C. Church records do not form part of those returned to the Presidency authorities until 1835 at the earliest and so do not feature in the IOR N/- series records. However, they probably remain at the Church concerned and the current parish priest is likely to be pleased to receive visitors and permit them to view any registers which may survive. Be prepared to have to view them in Portuguese. (If you ever get there, and can recognize the name in the register, take a photo and e-mail me copy. Based on my humble experience at St. Thomas' Mount, I'll try to translate it for you .)
That said, 1781 is quite early and attempts to write to the parish priest are rarely acknowledged or responded to.!
Good Hunting! Peter Bailey Secretary Families in British India Society www.fibis.org
1755 |
August 22, 1755
Keithock, Angus, UK
1791 |
1793 |
May 1793
1800 |
1809 |
March 9, 1809
Age 53
???? | |||
???? |