Patrick Howley spent some time working on Ships in his earlier years. Not sure what his occupation was while doing this. Source, Mary O'Horas (his wifes) Grand Niece Annie O'Hora (Kelly)
Patrick Howley and Mary O'Hora, had 11 children born alive with 6 still living at the time of the 1911 Census. At that stage Patrick was aged 52 and Mary 48, their youngest child Mary A. was aged 8.
Date of birth is calculated from the 1911 Census. Presumably at family home in Lack West.
Date and cause of death unknown, presumably at family home of Lack West.
Burial: Turlough GraveYard, Single Grave on the hill at the back of the Church just off path to New Graveyard.
Patrick and Mary are on stone.
Their son Mike and his wife Sarah Reilly are also interred here but are not listed on stone.
1859 |
1888 |
1891 |
1893 |
1901 |
Co Mayo, Lack, Ireland
1903 |
Mayo, Lack, Ireland
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Mayo, Mayo, Ireland
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