Paul Prokop

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Paul Prokop (1882 - 1957)

Birthplace: 2274 Rabensburg 169
Death: April 14, 1957 (74)
2130 Mistelbach 649
Immediate Family:

Son of Martin Prokop and Maria Hlawaty
Husband of Josefa Hallas
Father of Karl Prokop; Maria Josefa Prokop; Antonia Prokop; Totgeburt Prokop and Ernest Franz Prokop
Brother of Sofia Prokop; Agnes Prokop; Totgeburt (1) Prokop; Martin Prokop and Totgeburt (2) Prokop

Managed by: Private User
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Paul Prokop's Timeline

June 28, 1882
2274 Rabensburg 169
April 27, 1912
2274 Rabensburg 51
August 16, 1915
2274 Rabensburg 51
June 13, 1917
2274 Rabensburg 51
January 15, 1921
2274 Rabensburg 51
October 6, 1922
2274 Rabensburg
April 14, 1957
Age 74
2130 Mistelbach 649
169, Rabensburg