Peter Philipp Ernst Becker

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Peter Philipp Ernst Becker

Birthplace: Kandava, Kandavas pilsēta, Latvia
Death: November 10, 1820 (26)
Jelgava, Latvia
Immediate Family:

Son of Bernhard* Gottlieb Becker and Johanna Sophie Charlotte (Jeanette) Becker (Vierhuff)
Brother of Carl Johann Bernhard Becker; Marie Sophie Charlotte Elisabeth Becker; Dr. med. Friedrich Ernst Theodor Becker; Gustav Wilhelm Gottlieb Martin Becker; Elisabeth Marianne Johanna Luise ( Jeanette) Blumenthal and 2 others

Managed by: Galina Lessel
Last Updated:
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Peter Philipp Ernst Becker's Timeline

June 20, 1794
Kandava, Kandavas pilsēta, Latvia
November 10, 1820
Age 26
Jelgava, Latvia