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Phoebe Joyce (Smith) (1760 - 1851)

Also Known As: "Phebe"
Birthplace: Loudoun County, VA, United States
Death: 1851 (89-95)
Henry County, VA, United States
Immediate Family:

Daughter of Capt. Thomas Smith, of Rockingham County and Elizabeth Smith
Wife of Littleberry Mayes, Sr. and Sgt. John Possom Joyce
Mother of Elizabeth (Betty) Moore; Nancy Mayes and Littleberry Mays, Jr.
Sister of Captain Drury Erastus Smith, Sr.; Mary Jarnigan; Zachariah Smith and Elizabeth Mayes

Managed by: Private User
Last Updated:

About Phoebe Joyce


@R853656352@ Ancestry Family Trees Online publication - Provo, UT, USA: Original data: Family Tree files submitted by Ancestry members.


Ancestry Family Tree


A page from Lee Adams' file at Bassett library is a copy from an abstract of wills, county unnamed. From other notes in her file, I think this is from Rockingham Co. No. Car., abstract of a book named "the old will book." In any case, it's of interest to us: Old Will Book p. 162, Zachariah Smith, 19 May 1796. No probate date. Wife Frances. Sons: William Smith, Archibald Smith, Stephen Smith, Jonathan Smith (land of Fall Creek in Virginia WHERE MY FATHER LIVETH [Fall Creek is in Pittsylvania Co.], Isaac Smith. Daus: Nancy Smith, Betsey Smith, Mary Smith, Salley Smith. Nephew Thomas Mays, son of my sister Phebe Mays, land in Henry Co. Va. Exec: brother Drury Smith. Witn: Drury Smith, John Moore, William Smith, John King. Thinking this one through: this man is not very old,as none of his daughters were married yet and his father was still living. Since we have Phebe Smith as a daughter of Thomas Smith, Thomas Smith Sr. must be living in Henry Co. in 1796. He must be pretty prosperous to give land to a nephew when he has 9 kids! Rockingham Co. NC Wills from a note in Lee Adam's file: Will Book [book number not listed, poss. Bk B], p. 61, will of James Moore, 1847, probated Henry Co. Va.: wife Elizabeth More, her interest in the estate of her mother Phebe Joyce, who was the widow of Berry Mays dec'd of Henry Co. Va. at the time of her last marriage to Possum John Joyce and who was the daughter of Thomas Smith of Rockingham Co. N.C.... also al the interest I bought in the same estate from John Smith... land joins David Mays. Also, OldWill Bk,. p. 59: will of Jennie Joyce, 1798, father James Joyce, lists brothers and sisters.

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Phoebe Joyce's Timeline

Loudoun County, VA, United States
Virginia, United States
Henry, VA, United States
Age 91
Henry County, VA, United States