Pluintje Wiersma

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Pluintje Wiersma (1846 - 1937)

Also Known As: "Pleuntje"
Birthplace: Workum, Nijefurd, Friesland, Netherlands
Death: 1937 (90-91)
Workum, Nijefurd, Friesland, Netherlands
Immediate Family:

Daughter of Lykele Sybolts Wiersma and Romkjen Abes Brandsma
Wife of Jacob Symons van der Zee
Mother of Simon van der Zee; Romkje van der Zee and Akke van der Zee
Sister of Doutzen Wiersma and Abe Lykeles Wiersma

Managed by: Wijtze William Sieswerda
Last Updated:
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Pluintje Wiersma's Timeline

Workum, Nijefurd, Friesland, Netherlands
Age 91
Workum, Nijefurd, Friesland, Netherlands