R' Mordechai Joshua Weinberger of Dukla

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R' Mordechai Yehosua Yehoshea Weinberger, of Dukla

Hebrew: מרדכי הושע, of Dukla
Death: 1860 (72-81)
Dukla, krośnieński, Podkarpackie Voivodeship, Poland
Immediate Family:

Son of R' Moses Weinberger of Dukla and Polaniec and Chana Weinberger
Husband of Chaya Genendel Weinberger
Father of R' Avraham Yitzchak Weinberger, A.B.D. Freidshtodel and then Kisvarda; Wife of R' David Reinman and Wife of the A.B.D. Baligrod .
Brother of R' Elisha (Eliasz) Weinberger; R' Menachem Mendel Weinberger of Dukla and R' Zeev Wolf Weinberger

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R' Mordechai Joshua Weinberger of Dukla's Timeline

September 14, 1804
Dukla, krośnieński, Podkarpackie Voivodeship, Poland
Age 77
Dukla, krośnieński, Podkarpackie Voivodeship, Poland