Rafael Carcovich y Pardo Figueroa

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Rafael Carcovich y Pardo Figueroa

Birthplace: Chile
Death: January 10, 1961 (49-58)
Miraflores, Ciudad de Lima, Lima, Peru
Immediate Family:

Son of Aquiles Carcovich y Gamarra and Gabriela Blandina Pardo Figueroa y Nieto
Husband of Sara Graciela Harman Chávez
Brother of Héctor Alberto Carcovich y Pardo Figueroa; Raquel Carcovich y Pardo Figueroa; Jorge Antonio Carcovich y Pardo Figueroa and Eduardo Carcovich y Pardo Figueroa

Managed by: Private User
Last Updated:

About Rafael Carcovich y Pardo Figueroa

Contrajo matrimonio en Ascope, La Libertad, Perú, el 16 de enero 1943.

Cita de este registro: "Perú, La Libertad, Registro Civil, 1903-1998," database with images, FamilySearch (https://familysearch.org/ark:/61903/1:1:QKZ4-6RZF : 11 April 2020), Rafael Carconich Pastor de Figueroa, ; citing Marriage Registration, Ascope, Ascope, La Libertad, Perú, certificate , Archivo Regional de La Libertad (La Libertad Regional Archives), Trujillo, Peru; FHL microfilm .

Cita de este registro: "Perú, La Libertad, Registro Civil, 1903-1998," database with images, FamilySearch (https://familysearch.org/ark:/61903/1:1:QKZ4-6J4K : 11 April 2020), Rafael Carcanich, ; citing Marriage Registration, Ascope, Ascope, La Libertad, Perú, certificate 2, Archivo Regional de La Libertad (La Libertad Regional Archives), Trujillo, Peru; FHL microfilm .

Cita de este registro: "Perú, Lima, Registro Civil, 1874-1996," database with images, FamilySearch (https://familysearch.org/ark:/61903/1:1:QLMB-QX45 : 11 April 2020), Rafael Carcovich Pardo Figueroa, ; citing Death Registration, 12, 12, Archivo General de la Nación (General Archives of the Nation), Lima; FHL microfilm .


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Rafael Carcovich y Pardo Figueroa's Timeline

January 10, 1961
Age 54
Miraflores, Ciudad de Lima, Lima, Peru