Randi Larsdatter Lehne

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Randi Larsdatter Lehne (Grøtjorden)

Birthplace: Uvdal, Nore og Uvdal kommune, Buskerud, Norway
Death: August 17, 1912 (25)
Immediate Family:

Wife of Ole Olsen Lehne
Mother of Aasmund Olsson Lehne; Olav Olsson Lehne; Trygve Olsen Lehne; Marie Olsdatter Lehne and Gerda Olsdatter Lenhe

Managed by: Harald Tveit Alvestrand
Last Updated:

About Randi Larsdatter Lehne

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Randi Larsdatter Lehne's Timeline

December 3, 1886
Uvdal, Nore og Uvdal kommune, Buskerud, Norway
December 9, 1905
Mjøndalen, Buskerud, Norway
November 20, 1907
Ringerike, Buskerud, Norway
March 22, 1910
Svarstad, Hole, Buskerud
August 3, 1912
Røyse, Buskerud, Norway
August 3, 1912
Røyse, Buskerud, Norway
August 17, 1912
Age 25