From http://hylbom.com/family/paternal-lines/paternal-cl-to-du/clarke-1344/
Children of Joseph Clarke and Unknown Wife (1st):
1. Joseph Clarke. Born 11 Feb 1641/42 in Newport, Rhode Island. He married Bethia Hubbard on 16 Nov 1664 in Westerly, Rhode Island. He died on 11 Jan 1725/26 in Westerly, Rhode Island.
Married 2) Hannah Weeden, widow of Thomas Peckham
Residence: Westerly, RI.
1669-1700: Town Clerk for Westerly, RI.
1698, 1700, 1702, 1704, 1706, and 1708: Deputy to the Rhode Island General Assembly.
Siblings: John, William, Joshua, Thomas, Susanna, Mary, Sarah, Carew, and Elizabeth.
He must have removed from Newport to Westerly early in life, for in 1669 he became Town Clerk of Westerly [when it was first incorporated], retaining the position until 1700. In July, 1675, he and his family went to Newport for fear of the Indian War then raging, and remained in the home of Rev. Samuel Hubbard until the war closed. He was Deputy to the General Assembly in years 1698, 1700-2-4-6-8. Will dated 5 Oct 1725 and proved 27 Feb 1727 at Westerly.
source: http://wc.rootsweb.com/cgi-bin/igm.cgi?op=GET&db=jonsaunders&id=I3158
Elected or appointed BET 1669 AND 1700 Town Clerk, Westerly, Washington County, RI, USA
Elected or appointed BET 1698 AND 1708 Deputy to the General Assembly
Will: 5 OCT 1725 proved February 27, 1727, Westerly, Washington County, RI, USA
Joseph Clarke b 11 Feb 1641, Newport, Newport Co, RI; d 11 Jan 1726, Westerly, Kings Co, RI
Father: Joseph Clarke
Mother: Margaret Clarke
Sp1 Hannah Weeden Clarke Peckham Clarke
Sp2 Bethiah Hubbard Clarke m 16 Nov 1664, Newport, Newport Co, RI
Ch: 1. Judith Clarke Maxson
2. Joseph Clarke
3. Samuel Clarke
4. John Clarke
5. Bethiah Clarke Hiscox
6. Mary Clarke Champlin
7. Susanna Clarke Babcock
8. Thomas Clarke
9. William Clarke
Brief History of a few Early Settlers of Rhode Island and some of their Descendants
by Mary S. Andrews
Farina, Illinois, 1910
Copyist - Daisy (Vincent) Schrader
June 5, 1926 Milton Junction, WI
In preparing the following history I am indebted to "Seventh Day Baptists" in Europe and America, the "Seventh Day Baptist Memorial", and the friends who have sent extracts from Rhode Island histories and from family records.
On nearly every point, more than one authority has been consulted and no important difference found, which indicates that these records following may be relied on for accuracy. Great care has been used in copying to avoid mistakes. It is a matter of regret that in some instances more complete records could not be obtained.
Mary S. Andrews
Florina, IL, August 17,1910
The First Baptist Church in America
The Pilgrims landed from the Mayflower December 20,1620, upon a rock of granite, on the shore of what is now Plymouth, Massachusetts. This marks the date of the founding of Christianity on American soil.
Roger Williams, son of William Williams, was born in Wales in 1606. With his wife Mary, he came from England and landed in Boston, February 5,1631. In 1635 Roger was banished from the Plymouth colony where he had been assistant pastor to Ralph Smith, because of difference in religious belief. With some followers he made a settlement in what is now Rhode Island, in 1636, and called it Providence. In March 1639 they organized a church, the first Baptist Church in America. It is still in existence, and is now known as the First Baptist Church of Providence.
This church was organized with 12 members.
The Second Baptist Church in America
Dr. William Clarke was born at Westhorpe, Suffolk County, England, October 8,1609 and died at Newport, RI, April 20, 1676. He was a physician in London, educated at Cambridge University. He arrived at Boston, with his wife, Elizabeth Harges, in November of 1637. He was soon allowed to leave the Boston colony because of his religious beliefs. After some time he went to Providence, and with the help of Roger Williams he and his followers purchased island of Aquidneck, later called Rhode Island, for their future home. The first settlement was made in 1638 at Pocasset, later called Portsmounth, and Dr. Clarke began preaching for them. In 1639 members of the colony took steps to make a settlement at Newport. In 1644 he founded at Newport, the Second Baptist Church in America, and became its pastor. In 1648 this church had but 15 members, including Dr. John Clarke, pastor, Thomas Clarke, Joseph Clarke and Samuel Hubbard.
The First Seventh Day Baptist Church in America
In 1664, or probably in 1665, new style, Stephen Mumford and his wife came from England to Newport, probably sent as Missionaries. They were members of the Belle Lane S.D.B. Church of London. Through his efforts several members of John Clarke's church at Newport embraced the Sabbath, the first convent to the Sabbath in America being Tacy (Cooper) Hubbard.
Samuel Hubbard was born at Mendelsham, Eighty miles northwest of London, in Suffolk Co., in 1610, the youngest of seven children. He came from Trekesbury in 1633, and settled at Salem, Massachusetts. In the autumn of 1635 he removed in a company of settlers, to the Valley of the Connecticut River. In the spring of 1636 he married Tacy Cooper, who was also of the company of settlers. Samuel and Tacy settled at Weathersfield and later moved to Newport. Before removing with her parents, to the valley of the Connecticut River, Tacy Cooper lived at Dorchester, and was a member of the church at Dorchester. After their removal to Newport, Samuel and Tacy joined Dr. John Clarke's church.
The following is taken from Samuel Hubbard's Journal, (old style calendar): "My Wife took up keeping of the Lord's holy 7th day, April, 1665: Our daughter Ruth, October 25, 1666: Rachel, January 15, 1666: Bethiah, February, 1666: our son Joseph Clarke, February 23, 1666." Their daughter, Rachel Langworthy was the third convert, Samuel Hubbard having embraced the sabbathe three weeks after his wife embraced it. Roger Baster followed. Then William Hiscox, both in 1666. These five all lived at Newport and were members of Dr. John Clarke's church in which, for some years, they continued their membership. With Stephen Mumford and wife, these five organized at Newport the first S.D.B Church in America. December 23, 1671, old style calendar, or January 3, 1672, new style. Samuel Hubbard made the following entry in his journal: "We entered into a church covenant the 23rd day of December, 1671. Wm. Hiscox, Stephen Mumford, Samuel Hubbard, Roger Baster, Sister Hubbard, Sister Mumford, Sister Rachel Langworthy." Joseph Clarke. Sr., and his wife Bethiah Hubbard, and Robert Burdick and his wife Ruth, who was also Samuel Hubbard's daughter, and Mrs. John Maxson Sr. all of whom were living in Misquanicut: Joseph and Bethiah Clarke soon following. The first pastor or leading elder of the Newport church was Wm. Hiscox, who was born in 1638. He served as pastor 33 years. In his journal, Samuel Hubbard states that Stephen Mumford returned to England and brought Return to America with him, Wm. Gibson who came from the Belle Lane church, with his wife and two children, in 1675, Wm. Gibson was second pastor of the Newport church, serving from 1704 - 1717. The third pastor was Joseph Crandall, a convert to the Sabbath, of Westerly, son of Elder John Crandall of Westerly, who was the first minister converted to the Sabbath in America. His wife (John's) was the first S.D.B. to die in America. Elder John Crandall was an elder in Dr. John Clarke's church at the time of his conversion to the Sabbath.
For some time the church at Newport had no official name, it was sometimes called The Church of Rhode Island and Westerly. Sometimes The Church.
In November 1887 the Historical Society moved the Church to a safer location, fearing fires. Thomas Hubbard of England was the grand father of Samuel Hubbard, is not known to have been a Sabbath keeper, but for the truth's sake he was burned at the stake March 26, 1555, in the reign of Bloody Mary, Queen of England. The father of Samuel Hubbard was James Hubbard. The father of James Hubbard was Thomas Hubbard, Samuel's mother was Naomi, daughter of Thomas Cocke, England, Thomas Cocke had a Testament, printed in 1549, which was afterward owned by Samuel Hubbard.
The Second S.D.B. Church in America
A tract of land, called Misquanicut, meaning Salmon, extending about fifteen miles northward from the ocean, and ten miles eastward from Pawcatuck river, was purchased of Sosa, and Indian captain of the Narragansetts in 1661, by a company formed at Newport. Robert Burdick, Tobias Saunders and Joseph Clarke Sr., were the first settlers in 1661.
John Maxson soon followed. He married Mary Mosher, Daughter of Hogh Mosher who was one of the Purchasers of Misquanicut. Elder John Crandall soon followed.
These all soon embraced the Sabbath, and joined the church at Newport. The first settlers of Misquanicut found it a thin, sandy and stony soil, covered with dense forests, without roads, inhabited by wild and ravenous beasts, such as bears, wolves and wild cats. Indians troubled them for twenty years. They made clearings and built one room log cabins, some of them half buried in the earth, usually near springs of running water. They had wide fireplaces, and rough homemade furniture and homespun clothes. After a little time their farms were surrounded and subdivided with stone walls.
Massachusetts and Connecticut both claimed Misquamicut. Tobias Saunders and Robert Burdick were arrested, and carried to Boston and committed to jail for probably more than a year. Joseph Clarke was also imprisoned in Hartford, Connecticut. Elder John Crandall, whose wife was Elizabeth, daughter of the famous Samuel Gorton, was persecuted and imprisoned in Boston for his Baptist beliefs. He was one of the purchasers and first settlers of Misquamicut. Died about 1676.
Question of ownership was not permanently settled for more than forty years.
Arnold's history of R.I. in speaking of the above mentioned Saunders, Burdick and Clarke, says "Had it not been for the steadfast fight of these men, Rhode Island would not have held the territory." It would in the event, have belonged to Massachusetts or Connecticut instead of RI. "the state that bears distinction of being the first to establish religious liberty."
In May 1669, the name Misqumicut was changed to Westerly, when it was incorporated as a town (township) the fifth in the colony, (or state) with only twenty four freemen.
The Seventh Day Baptists in Westerly, though having a meeting house in Westerly, kept their membership in the Newport church until set off as a separate church in 1708. The church records state that "The church at the General Meeting held September 28, 1708 (new style) in the old Westerly meeting house, passed an act making two churches." after being considered one church for nearly forty years. Just previous to this date a business meeting was held at the home of Elder John Maxson, Jr. "to hear and consider the letter received from the Newport church in regard to permitting the members at Westerly to separate from the Mother Church."
Both sides agreed to the proposition, at that meeting. The Westerly church is usually considered the Second S.D.B Church in America, though not organized as a separate church until September 28, 1708. At the division, the Newport church retained forty one members: the Westerly church Seventy two, including John Maxson, Sr., and Joseph Clarke Jr., and Joseph Maxson.
The first six pastors of this church were first chosen deacons, then elders, then leading elders (or pastors). It was expected that a deacon would become an elder. John Maxson Sr. was the first pastor, after the organization. He was seventy years old at the time of his ordination, and served twelve years, until his death in 1720. Of his ordination Samuel Hubbard says in his journal: "The 20th of said month our beloved brother John Maxson Sr., was ordained to the place and office of an elder of the congregation in and about Westerly by fasting and prayer and laying on of hands." In 1712, Joseph Clarke Jr., was ordained elder to be his assistant.
The first eight pastors of these churches were called "leading Elders"; beginning with the ninth, Daniel Coon, they were called pastors. The pastorates of the early pastors, or leading elders were as follows: John Maxson, Pastor for 12 years from 1708 to 1720
John Maxson Jr., Pastor for 27 years from 1720 to 1747
Joseph Maxson, Pastor for 3 years from 1747 to 1750
Thomas Hiscox, Pastor for 23 years from 1750 to 1773
Josuha Clarke, pastor for 20 years from 1773 to 1793
John Burdick, Pastor for 9 years from 1793 to 1802
Abram Coon, Pastor for 11 years from 1802 to 1813
Mathew Stillman, Pastor for 25 years from 1813 to 1838
Daniel Coon, Pastor for 14 years from 1838 to 1853
The ministers' Monument in the old cemetery of this church was dedicated August 28, 1899. It marks the spot where the meeting house stood from 1680 to 1852. As well as memorializing the pastors who served the church from 1708 to 1852. It is made of Westerly granite and is twenty five feet high.
It was erected largely through the generosity of the misses Maria L. and Harriet W. Potter, though for some years the church had planned the erection of such a monument. Upon its north face is the following inscription: "1680 - 1899
This Monument is a memorial to the early pastors of the Second Seventh Day Baptist Church in America. Whose remains lie buried with in the enclosing circle. They were stalwart men and sound preachers. They fought a good fight and kept the faith. Upon this spot stood the house of worship from 1680 to 1852"
Upon the West face is the following:
"Thomas Hiscox, 1686-1773
John Burdick, 1732-1802
Joseph Maxson, 1672-1750
Abram Coon, 1763-1813
Mathew Stillman, 1770-1838
Daniel Coon, 1792-1858"
Upon the east face the following:
"Joseph Clarke Jr., 1670-1719
John Maxson, 1638-1720
John Maxson Jr., 1666-1747
Thomas Clarke, 1686-1767
Joshua Clarke, 1717-1793."
Each grave has a marker bearing the initial letters for the respective names upon the monument. The pastors' wives buried here are as follows:
Mary, wife of John Maxson, 1640-1718
Hannah, wife of Joshua Clarke, 1718-1808
Prudence, wife of Abram Coon, 1762-1821
Elizabeth, wife of Matthew Stillman, 1775- 1855
The remains of these early pastors were originally buried at various places, those of Thomas Hiscox could not be found, but the others were, and were removed to the "Circle" in 1883, and in June 1884 those of Joseph Clarke Jr., John Maxson and Mary his wife, John Maxson Jr., Joseph Maxson, and others were brought from an old burying ground on the south side of the Pawcatuck river, about three quarters of a mile above the meeting house bridge. Others were brought from other parts of this somae cemetery and placed in the "Circle".
Maxson Pedigree
1. Richard Maxson
2. John Maxson, Sr.
3. John Maxson Jr.
4. John Maxson
5. David Maxson
(6) Elanor (Maxson) Vincint and (6) Elizabeth (Maxson) Stillman
7. David Vincint 7. Betsy (Stillman)Coon
8. Elanor (Vincint) Andrews 8. Almeda (Coon) Andrews
9. Mary Andrews 9. T. P. Andrews
10. Mary Andrews
The Maxson Family
The name in the old country was probably spelled Maxtone or Maxton, as many families of that name are found in England and Scotland: Some also spell it in the American way. Dr. E. R. of Syracuse, N. Y., believes, as do many others, that the Maxson originally came from Scotland. He visited Scotland in 1867, and a gentleman there insisted on spelling his name Maxton. There is a village in Scotland, a few miles from the Tweed river, called Maxton. Tradition says the Maxsons are of royal descent. There is a Macson Coat of arms on which is the picture of a bee, with the Latin inscription "Ptoviders esto", Be Provident.
(1) Richard Maxson and his wife, who came from England, were the ancestors of all the Seventh-Day Baptist Maxsons in this country. His wife's Christian name was Goodwife, her surname now unknown in Boston in 1634, where he was a blacksmith and worked for James Everill. He is shown by the R.I. Colonial Records to have a resident of the town of Portsmouth, R.I. as early as 1638. He was amongst the list of freemen who settled Newport, at the south end of the island, the same year, getting in the original division of the land. 36 acres, as the deeds show. In 1643 his wife is mentioned as "Goodwife Maxson, widow of Richard Maxson." It is supposed that he and his son Richard were killed by Indians, that his widow escaped, with others, in an open boat, and that her son John was born soon afterward, in 1638. Several authorities state that he was the first white child born on the island of Rhode Island. In 1661 John joined a company formed at Newport for the purchase and Settlement of the tract of land called Misquanicut.
(2) John Maxson, born in 1638. Married Mary, the daughter of Hugh Mosher, who was also one of the purchasers of Misquanicut. She was born in 1640. Soon after settling in Mesquanicut, John and Mary Maxson embraced the Sabbath, and joined the church at Newport. When the Westerly congregation was set off as a separate church he was ordained to be its first pastor and served until his death, December 17, 1720. His wife died February 2, 1718. They had seven children, Tacy, John Jr., Joseph, and Jonathan, Dorothy, Mary, and Hannah.
John Maxson, Sr., represented Westerly in the Colonial Assembly in 1670, 1686, 1687, 1688, 1689, 1690, 1693, 1705. He and his wife were buried in the Clarke burying ground, near the old meeting house. His grave was marked with a blue slate stone, upon which was the following inscription: "Here lieth the body of John Maxson, died Dec. ye 17, 1720, in the 82nd year of his age." In 1884 their remains were removed to the "Circle".
(3) John Maxson, Jr. was born in 1666, and was married in 1687 to Judith, the daughter of Joseph and Bethiah (Hubbard) Clarke. John and Judith were baptized and joined the Newport S.D.B. church July 31, 1692. August 21, 1712 he was ordained deacon in the Westerly church, as they were members of that church after it was set off from the Newport church. At the time he was ordained deacon Joseph Clarke, Jr., was ordained Elder to be an assistant to John Maxson, Sr. July 5, 1719, he was ordained elder in the Westerly meeting house by Elder Joseph Crandall who lived in Westerly and was pastor of the Newport church. At the ordination, the laying on of hands was done by Joseph Crandall, Joseph Clarke, Sr., and Peter Barker.
In 1720 he became pastor of the Westerly church, following his father. he served as pastor for twenty seven years, until his death in July 1747. In 1739 his brother Joseph was ordained Elder to assist him. John, Jr., was an extensive land holder in Westerly. He represented Westerly in the Colonial Assembly in 1742, 1743, and 1744. He had ten children:
Judith born in 1689
Mary born in 1691
Bethiah born in 1693
Elizabeth born in November 7, 1695
Joseph born in 1709
Hannah born in 1698
John born in 1701
Dorothy born in 1703
Susan born in 1706
Avis born in 1712
Elizabeth, daughter of John Maxson, Jr. Married Elder John Davis whose father, Elder Wm. Davis, came from Wales. They had nine children, Elizabeth, William, Martha, John, Joseph, Anna, Judith, Experience, Mary. Mary was called Molly, and married Elisha, son of Geo. Stillman II.
(5) In the Revolutionary War David Maxson was appointed Deputy by the General assembly to procure ammunition for the colony of R.I. He was Deputy from 1781 to 1783. He made bullets. In 1777 was in the alarm list. Made bullets 1775 to 1776.
David Maxson was born at Westerly, July 24, 1729. he married Abigail Greenman, daughter of Edward and Sarah (Clark) Greenman. He had ten children, born at Westerly:
Silas born December 29, 1750, married Sarah Clarke.
Asa born March 6, 1752, married Lois Stillman
Elizabeth born July 14, 1754, married Joseph Stillman
Paul born August 2, 1757, married Susannah Stillman
Chloe born October 15, 1759 married Samuel Clarke
Wealthy born March 9, 1762 married Wait Stillman b. 1758 d. 1839
Sarah born December 223, 1763, married Geo. Stillman
David born August 29, 1766, married Sarah Greenman
Elanor born 1769, married Joshua Vincent
Abigail born
David Maxson and his wife Abigail, were baptized and joined the Westerly S.D.B. church August 4, 1753. Their daughter Elizabeth joined in 1771. Chloe in 1779, Wealthy in 1780, Elanor and Abigail March 25, 1886. Paul and David April 8, 1786.
David Maxson represented Westerly in the Colonial Assembly in 1765, 1781, and 1783. He was a farmer, and has been said to have been buried on his farm near Westerly. He died about 1786. His wife died March 5, 1812 and is buried in the village cemetery neat Petersburg, N.Y.
The town of Westerly, "April 17, 1776 - Voted that Mr. David Maxson be paid 32 shillings for bringing the Powder and Lead from the town of Providence.
June 4, 1776, - Voted that the store of Lead now in this town be run into bullets for firearms of several sizes, and Mr. David Maxson is appointed to run the same as soon as may be.
Asa Maxson, son of David was 92 years old when he died, was buried in the Union Cemetery at Adams Center, N.Y. where his son David is also buried, as was a soldier of the American Revolution and his grave is marked with an Rev. Shield. Such as is used to mark and honor the graves of soldiers that served in that war. Asa's son David had a son Lorenzo, who lived at Farina, IL. And a son, E.R. Maxson who lives with his son E.S. at Syracuse , N.Y. Asa's daughter Polly married a Whitford, and had a son, Asa Maxson Whitford, and a son Edward M. Whitford, both of whom lived at Farina.
Wealthy Maxson, Daughter of David, married Wait Stillman and had a son Ephrian, who had a daughter, Mary (Stillman) Watson.
(6) Elizabeth, daughter of David Maxson, married Joseph Stillman, their daughter Betsy married Aaron Coon, and had a daughter, Almeda, who married Daniel Andrews, the father of T.P. Andrews.
Daniel Scranton Andrews was born at Westerly R.I. November 10, 1807, died December 11, 1887. He was married at Petersburg N.Y. to Almeda Coon, February 1833. She was born July 6, 1811 and died February 7, 1888.
They had eight children:
Almerion Daniel, born at Petersburg in 1834, died 1853. William Fisher, born at Adams, April 9, 1836. Torner Philetus, born at Adams, January 23, 1839, died May 5, 1912. Marion a daughter born at Adams 1841 and Manford a daughter born at Adams 1841 both died 1843, they were twins. Charles Henry, born at Watson, March 8, 1846, died April 22, 1903 married Marinda Almeda who died September 17, 1899. Hezikiah, who died October 30, 1860. (6) Elanor, daughter of David Maxson, married Joshua Vincent, and had a son David, whose Daughter, Elanor Vincent married T.P. Andrews.
In 1661 John Maxson with others formed a company at Newport for purchasing and settling a tract of land called by the Indians Misquamcut which now comprises Westerly, Charlestown, and Hopkinton, R.I. He was married about 1665 and was made freeman at Westerly Oct. 29, 1668. He served as deputy to the general assembly from Westerly 1670, 1686, 1690, and 1705. He was overseer of the poor in 1687. The colony of Westerly had connected itself as a branch to the Nowport Seventh Day Baptist Church of which William Hiscox was pastor. John Maxson was a member of this branch church before 1692. In 1708 the Westerly branch was made a separate church. Sept. 20, 1708 John Maxson Sr. was ordained to the office of Elder (pastor) to the congregation in and about Westerly, now called the First Hopkinton S.D.B.C. at Ashway, R.I.
John Maxson made his will Jan. 22, 1716 which was probated Feb. 16, 1721. He was buried in the Clark burying ground near the Paytucket River where on a slate stone was the following inscription: "Here lieth the body of John Maxson, died Dec. 17, 1720 in the 82nd year of his life." The early ministers of the First Hopkinton church have been reinterred on the spot where the church stood and a monument has been erected to their memory.
John was the first Caucasian child born in Aquetneck, Portsmouth, Rhode Island.
2) Bio Info
"He was mentioned in Samuel Hubbard's list of those who came to the Sabba th in 1665 as 'son Clarke.'"
From Genealogical Dictionary of RI:
July 1675 went to Newport for fear of the Indian war.
Town clerk every year 1669-1700.
1680. "He, having been taken from his house in Westerly, situated two m iles east of Pawcatuck River, and thence forced and carried to Hartford , Conn., and fined L10 &c. by authorities of that colony, was therefore r eimbursed by the Rhode Island Assembly, in sum of L13, 10s."
1725, 5 October, will. Proved 27 February 1727. Son Samuel executor . To daughter Mary Champlin, bed, &c, L5. To daughter Judith Maxson, L5 . To daughter Susanna Babcock, L5. To daughter Bethiah Hiscos, 1s. Hi s sons, Joseph and John, deceased, already had received their part. To t wo grandsons, viz: Joseph Clarke's eldest son and John Clarke's eldest s on, 12d. apiece. To son Thomas Clarke, 1s, he having had, and like amoun ts to sons William and Samuel. Inventory L231, 18s 8d. 3 4
3)The Burdicts of RI and CT
The Burdicksof Rhode Island and Connecticut
My Burdick ancestry begins with my maternal grandmother, Bertha Melissa Burdick, who was a ninth generation descendant of Robert Burdick, the immigrant ancestor of the Burdick family who came to Newport, Rhode Island from England in 1651. Robert Burdick was admitted a Freeman of Newport on May 22, 1655, and a Freeman of the Colony of Rhode Island on May 20, 1657. He married Ruth Hubbard, the first white child born at Agawam (now Springfield), Massachusetts on November 2, 1655.
Robert Burdick gained early notoriety during a land dispute between the colonies of Rhode Island and Massachusetts over a tract of land known as the Pequot Country -- land taken by the English colonists in the Pequot War of 1637 -- which is now situated, largely, within New London County, Connecticut. Boundary disputes had been going on for some time between Massachusetts and Connecticut over land within the Pequot Country, but the conflict in this instance was primarily between Massachusetts and Rhode Island. The dispute was centered upon a small settlement located in Pequot Country, between Mystic and Pawcatuck, which, in 1658 was named Southertown, and which, today is mostly contained within Stonington, Connecticut and a small part of Westerly, Rhode Island. In October 1658, the colony of Massachusetts laid claim to this settlement, declared it to be a plantation with the name of Southertown, annexed it to Suffolk County, Massachusetts, and appointed special commissioners and a constable to administer the new plantation.
In the meantime, the colony of Rhode Island purchased land in a transaction known as the Westerly Purchase to add to its Narrangansett settlement. Included in the Westerly Purchase was some of the land within the boundaries of Southertown. A group of Rhode Islanders, including the Newport farmer, Robert Burdick, and his neighbors Tobias Saunders and Joseph Clarke, laid claim within the new settlement. In retaliation for the Massachusetts claim to Southertown, the Rhode Island Assembly sent out the warning to all settlers within the area of dispute that their land would be confiscated if they put it under the governance of another colonial government (e.g. Massachusetts).
On September 30, 1661, William Cheseborough, an early settler of Southertown from Plymouth Colony, testified before the General Court of Massachusetts of his concern that some thirty-six inhabitants of Rhode Island had come into Southertown and had divided and laid out lots. The General Court of Massachusetts issued a warrant to apprehend the Rhode Island men who had settled in Southertown. A stand-off ensued, and Robert Burdick, Tobias Saunders and Joseph Clarke were arrested (although Joseph Clarke was "upon extraordinary occasion ... set at liberty.") For two years, the colony of Rhode Island attempted, unsuccessfully, to negotiate the release of Burdick and Saunders. As a last resort, Rhode Island authorities abducted two Massachusetts officials, who were then exchanged for the release of Robert Burdick and Tobias Saunders.
The issuance of the Charter of Connecticut by King Charles II on April 25, 1662 fixed the eastern boundary of Connecticut at the Pawcatuck River. Southertown was situated within this boundary, and thus under the jurisdiction of Connecticut. Later, the British Crown settled the conflict by dividing the disputed land between Connecticut and Rhode Island. The land where Robert Burdick had settled was awarded to Rhode Island, and became part of the area known as Westerly. The land that was awarded to Connecticut became part of the area known as Stonington.
After his release from prison, Robert Burdick settled on the same land he was taken from and inprisoned over. He and his wife, Ruth, had eleven children, nine of whom survived to adulthood and had children of their own. He served as a deputy to the General Court of Rhode Island from Westerly for the years 1680, 1683 and 1685, and he was one of the earliest members of the Seventh Day Baptist Church (the Sabbatarians).
My two lines of descent from Robert and Ruth (Hubbard) Burdick, down to my maternal grandmother, is as follows:
Line One
1 Robert BURDICK 1633 - Aft. 1704 + Ruth HUBBARD 1639/40 -
2 Samuel BURDICK Abt. 1668 - 1756 + Mary FOSTER 1675 - 1768
3 Thomas BURDICK Abt. 1699 - Aft. 1761 + Dorothy MAXSON 1703 - 1740-1748
4 Stephen BURDICK Abt. 1736 - Aft. 1807 + Mary CHURCH Abt. 1742 - 1832
5 [2] Joel BURDICK Abt. 1763 - 1828 + [1] Sarah CRANDALL 1767 - 1863
6 Rowland BURDICK 1789 - Aft. 1870 + Lydia GEER 1792 - 1851
7 Abel BURDICK 1836 - 1926 + Susan M. PHILLIPS 1846 - 1917
8 Frank R. BURDICK 1885 - 1960 + Sarah H. CLARK 1884 - 1955
9 Bertha M. BURDICK 1912 - 1976
Line Two
1 Robert BURDICK 1633 - Aft. 1704 + Ruth HUBBARD 1639/40 -
2[3] Deborah H. BURDICK Abt. 1662 - ? + [4] Rev. Joseph CRANDALL Abt. 1661 - 1737
3Joseph CRANDALL 1684 - 1749/50 + Ann LANGWORTHY Abt. 1690 - 1773
4 Benjamin CRANDALL 1736 - 1793 + Alice KENYON 1736 - 1836
5 [1] Sarah CRANDALL 1767 - 1863 + [2] Joel BURDICK Abt. 1763 - 18286
Rowland BURDICK 1789 - Aft. 1870 + Lydia GEER 1792 - 1851
7 Abel BURDICK 1836 - 1926 + Susan M. PHILLIPS 1846 - 1917
8 Frank R. BURDICK 1885 - 1960 + Sarah H. CLARK 1884 - 1955
9 Bertha M. BURDICK 1912 - 1976
Most of the links on this table are not yet active, but they will be soon. This page is a work in progress and I update it frequently. Make sure to come back and visit, and when you do, click on your "refresh" button to make sure you recieve the most up-to-date information. Thanks!
Frank Rowland Burdick & Sarah Hannah Clark of Canterbury and Waterford, CT.
Abel Burdick & Susan M. Phillips of Griswold and Hampton, ConnecticutRowland Burdick & Lydia Geer of Hopkinton, Rhode Island and Griswold, ConnecticutJoel Burdick & Sarah Crandall of Hopkinton, Rhode IslandStephen Burdick & Mary Church of Hopkinton, Rhode Island (and Clifford. PA.)Thomas Burdick & Dorothy Maxson of Westerly, Rhode IslandSamuel Burdick & Mary Foster of Westerly, Rhode IslandDeborah Burdick & Rev. Joseph Crandall of Westerly, Rhode Island (second line)Robert Burdick & Ruth Hubbard of Westerly, Rhode Island
The Descendants of Robert Burdick of Rhode Island by Nellie Williard Johnson. The Syracuse Typesetting Co., Inc. Syracuse, N.Y., 1937.
History of the Town of Stonington, County of New London, Connecticut, from its First Settlement in 1649 to 1900 by Richard Anson Wheeler. Press of the Day Publishing Company, New London, Connecticut, 1900.
4)Fifth Generation
Joseph Clarke, of Newport and Westerly, Rhode Island. He was born February 11, 1642 and died January 11, 1726 at Westerly, Rhode Island. He was married to Bethiah Hubbard, daughter of Samuel and Tacy (Cooper) Hubbard, who died in 1707. He then married Hannah Peckham, a widow.
He moved from Newport to Westerly early in life. He was Town Clerk at Westerly from 1669 to 1700. He was Deputy to the General Assembly for six terms from 1698 to 1708 and in 1710 was united with the Sabbatarian Church at Westerly.
5)Established Colony of RI
The Clarkes were instrumental inthe establsihment of the colony of Rhode Island, from the Rhode Island Charter, dated 8 July 1663, King CharlesII of England who addresses John Clarke in a manner which suggestshe was an ambassador of the petitioners.
From Davis - The Settlers of Salem, West Virginia by Susie Davis Nicholson
Records not imported into INDI (individual) Gramps ID P1083:
Line ignored as not understood Line 24489: 3 _APID 1,7836::240999 Line ignored as not understood Line 24496: 3 _APID 1,7836::240999
1642 |
February 11, 1642
Westerly, Kings County, Colony of Rhode Island and Providence Plantations
1643 |
September 30, 1643
Age 1
Westerly, Kings County, Colony of Rhode Island and Providence Plantations
September 30, 1643
Age 1
Westerly, Washington, Rhode Island, United States
September 30, 1643
Age 1
Washington,Westerly,Rhode Island
September 30, 1643
Age 1
Washington, Westerly, Rhode Island
September 30, 1643
Age 1
Westerly, Kings, Rhode Island, British Colonial America
1667 |
October 12, 1667
Newport, Newport County, Colony of Rhode Island and Providence Plantations, British Colonial America
1670 |
April 14, 1670
Westerly, Kings (now Washington Co.), Rhode Island