Detroit Free Press May 21, 1922, page 10
Robert T. Hughes, 90 Hazelwood avenue, president of the Hughes Gelatine Company, died early Saturday morning in Grace hospital. He had been ill for four months. Mr. Hughes, who was in his fifty-ninth year, was a native of Detroit. Mr. Hughes's parents, Ezra and Ann (Hughes)Hughes, came to the United States from Wales in 1849, settling in Detroit shortly after their arrival. The father established a wallpaper and stationery business at Michigan avenue and First street. He was well known as a collector of steel engravings. Robert was born August 21, 1863. He was one of the first pupils enter Wilkins school. At the age of 14 circumstances made it necessary for him to earn his own living. After working for a while for George B. Angels, he took a position in the laboratory of the Farrand-Williams Drug company. He became representative of a New York glue concern. He held this post until 1892 when he organized the Fisher-Hughes Gelatine company. Five years later this company had to suspend operations and Mr. Hughes found himself facing the necessity of starting over again. In time, with only limited capital he formed the Hughes Gelatine company, which he built up into a most successful enterprise. Mr. Hughes was a member of Ashlay Lodge, No. 91, F. & A. M. which he joined in 1886, and was a charter member of the present B. A. C. In politics he was a Republican. Mr Hughes was a singer of some note, being possessed of a fine tenor voice. At different times he was in charge of the choirs of Grace Episcopal and the First Baptist churches. He is survived by his widow, Mrs.. Grace M.. Hughes; a son Lloyd L. Hughes, 82 Hazelwood avenue, and a nephew, Albert J. Hughes. Funeral services will be held at Mr. Hughes's late residence at 2:30 o'clock Monday afternoon. They will be conducted by Rev. George Savary, of Indianapolis. Burial will be in the family plot at Elmwood.
According to the 1880 Census, when Robert was 16, he worked as a drug clerk.
1863 |
August 21, 1863
Detroit, Wayne County, Michigan, United States
1890 |
1922 |
May 20, 1922
Age 58