Robert, thinking he had mortally wounded a neighbor, fled from his avengers and his North Carolina home and found refuge in Grassy Cove, Tennessee. He later learned the man did not die but, by this time he had married a Miss Sarah Cagle and established a home.
@R-2138229239@ Ancestry Family Trees Online publication - Provo, UT, USA: Ancestry.com. Original data: Family Tree files submitted by Ancestry members. This information comes from 1 or more individual Ancestry Family Tree files. This source citation points you to a current version of those files. Note: The owners of these tree files may have removed or changed information since this source citation was created. Ancestry Family Tree http://trees.ancestry.com/pt/AMTCitationRedir.aspx?tid=17156601&pid...
1790 |
Moore, North Carolina, United States
1800 |
Wilkes, North Carolina, United States
1818 |
1823 |
October 23, 1823
Warren, Tennessee, United States
1828 |
Tennessee, United States
1829 |
Sequatchie Valley, Bledsoe, Tennessee, United States
1860 |
Age 70
Marshall, Alabama, United States