Robert Thom was born August 25, 1790; died March 21, 1850. During the War of 1812 he was a
member of the 6th Company, 2nd Brigade, 15th Division, Pennsylvania Militia. Is discharge dated
March 24, 1814 is still in existence and reads, in part; “These are to certify that the bearer hereof,
Robert Thom, as respectable character, has been in my company for some time past, and in his
service in it did behave himself as a good citizen, and leaving these parts, he is hereby discharged
and free to join wherever Providence may cast his lot.” On May 6, 1813 he married Lydia
Moorhead who was born January 20 1797; died May 26, 1877. In 1822 they emigrated westward
and settled in Decatur County, Indiana. It is said that the city of Greensburg, Indiana now covers
what was then their farm. However, they did not remain long in Indiana but in the year 1828
returned to Clarion County, Pennsylvania where they reared their family and lived the remainder of
their lives. He followed the occupation of a farmer. Lydia Moorhead Thom was a very charitable
woman; she had a large family of twelve children of her own; upon the death of her daughter Mary
Thom Luke, she took her infant son, Wesley Luke and raised him as her own; when her son James
Alexander Craig Thom was killed in the Battle of Fredericksburg, his widow and tow daughters,
Grace and May, lived with her for a number of years; and upon the death of John Moorhead Thom’s
first wife, his tow daughters, Lydia Anne and Frances, lived with her until their father remarried. In
addition to these grand children she also raised Bruce Harris, the son of a neighbor woman who died
when he was an infant.
"The Descendants of Joseph Thom and Elizabeth Craig Thom of Westmoreland County Pennsylvania"
Jay Webb Thom, A.B., M.D., And, Nelle Bigham Robinson
1790 |
August 25, 1790
Derry Township, Westmoreland Co, PA
1814 |
October 16, 1814
Titusville, Crawford County, PA, United States
1850 |
March 21, 1850
Age 59
Clarion Co, PA