Matching family tree profiles for Sam Waiwai Wainui
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About Sam Waiwai Wainui
WAINUI, Sam Waiwai (Haami). -- Suddenly, at home, Invercargill, on 21 January 2016. Aged 73 years. Dearly loved husband of Ani. Specially loved father of Wayne (Kalgoorlie), John and Amy (Melbourne), Sarah and Shannan, Fraser, Kate and Dion (Invercargill). Loved brother and brother-in-law of Tata (dec) and Lee, Charlie and Kathy, Jack (dec.) and Pam (Invercargill), and of his brothers and sisters in Gisborne. Specially loved uncle of Erena and Terrence, Alicia and Roger, Taare, Aroha and Tim, Rachael and Bruce, Dionne and Damien and Melissa, and their families. Dearly loved Papa of Hosea, Mokoia, Maia, Shanice, Maioha, Taikaha, Rere, Aliyah, Riani, Tyra, Te Ariki, Nevaeh, Taungawai, Jack, Teiani, Tamahae, Haami, Ava, and Great Papa of Taikehu and Te Wharau. Haami will lie at Murihiku Marae, on Friday 22nd and Saturday 23rd. We will leave for Mangatu, Gisborne on Sunday 24th. Kua hinga te totaranui o to matou whanau. Moe mai ra, hoki atu ki o tipuna kei te huinga o te kahurangi. Arohanui. -- Respectfully cared for by J Fraser and Sons Ltd, Invercargill, and Evans Funeral Services Ltd, Gisborne. FDANZ.
WAINUI, Sam. -- Loved Father, Fatherin-law, Grandfather, Great-Grandfather of Sonny and Sharyn, and Trisha and Gerrald, and all the whanau. Sadly missed.
The family of the late SAM (WAIWAI) HAAMI WAINUI Would like to express our sincere thanks and gratitude to everyone who supported us with aroha and well wishes. To our Kaumatua, Kuia, Minita, kaikaranga, ringawera, essentially our whanau o Mangatu; words cannot express our gratitude for the love and compassion that supported us through the series of emotions which allowed us to fulfill Sam's final wishes. We also would like to thank you for the sympathy cards and koha of many forms and to both North and South Funeral Services, whom we appreciated so much. Sam will be sadly missed. "To live in the hearts of those who love you is never to die." Please accept this as a personal acknowledgement
WAINUI, Waewae Haami (Sam) 24.3.1943 - 21.2.2016 He maumahara tenei ki a koe te ringaringa raupa o te whanau, whakataa te tuakana ki te taha a Dad, Mum, Nancy, Mani me Kui, sister Logan, Tata, Jack, Boy, nga mokopuna me toku hoa rangatira a Pita. Kaore koutou ki te wareware. Aroha tino nui (1 Thess 4v16) Na Tamara me te whanau whanui.
- Reference: MyHeritage Family Trees - SmartCopy: Sep 5 2020, 21:30:57 UTC
Sam Waiwai Wainui's Timeline
1943 |
March 24, 1943
Gisborne, New Zealand
2016 |
January 21, 2016
Age 72
Invercargill, Southland, New Zealand
???? |
Mangatu Road, Whatatutu, Gisborne, New Zealand