V Samuel lived at Newburyport and was a Soldier of the Revolution. He enlisted in Captain Moses' Nowells Company., April 19, 1775 and was paid one pound four shillings "for his expenses on the road to Cambridge, with a load of bread for the army." History of Newburyport, Currier, page 541. His name is on a return dated at Boxford mustered by John Cushing, muster master Essex County, to join the continental army for nine months; also on a descriptive list of men raised for the continental army for nine months agreeable to a resolve of June 9, 1779. returned as received by Justin Eli, commissioner, by Captain Christopher Marshall at Springfield, July 16, 1779. He was in Colonel Cross' regiment and is described as age 41, stature five foot six inches,
His children were all born in Newbury, MA: complexion dark, resident Newburyport. His age was understated, but there was no other Samuel Ober of Newburyport at that time. He was in Captain Turner's company, Colonel Bradford's regiment Fourteenth, from July 12, 1778 to April 12, 1780. Three other from Middletown, Tewkesbury and Wenham respectively, were also in the service (see page 611, vol.xi, "Mass. Soldiers and Sailors in the Revolution." His brother Nathaniel was also a soldier from Newburyport.
He married first Sara ______________.who died Newbury March 1766. He married second Hannah Wicher/Whittier Sept. 17, 1767. Among his children recorded at Newbury:
Anne born March 24, 1769 died March 27.....
1735 |
November 16, 1735
Newburyport, Massachusetts, United States
1780 |
Age 44