Historical records matching Sarah Ann "Sallie" Wismer Gayman
Immediate Family
About Sarah Ann "Sallie" Wismer Gayman
A Brief History of Jacob Wismer and a Complete Genealogical Family Register With Biographies of His Descendants from the Earliest Available Records to the Present Time By A J Fretz, Eli Wismer
Page xiii, 7, 8, 9, 10
I. Jacob Wismer, (...) was born in Germany about 1684, and died in Bedminster Township, Bucks Co., Pa., Feb. 4, 1787 in his one hundred and third year.
The children of Jacob and Nanny Wismer, as near in the order of birth as could be placed were: ---Jacob, Mary, Elizabeth, Joseph, Henry, Mark, Daniel, John, Christian, Nanny, Abraham.
II. Jacob Wismer,* bn. in Bucks Co., Pa., about 1721. Mrd. Margaret ---. The dates of death of himself and wife are not known. He received his portion of his father's estate in 1783. Lived in Plumstead Twp. at what is known as the burnt mill, where he followed the occupation of miller. Children: Abraham, Isaac, Anna, Mary, Elizabeth, Jacob, Mary, Barbara, Hannah, Margaret.
III. Rev. Abraham Wismer, bn. in Bucks Co., Aug. 21, 1746. Mrd. ---. He was familiarly known as Abraham Wismer, the "long-beard." Children: Barbara, Margaret, Elizabeth, Hannah, Magdalena.
IV. Barbara Wismer, bn. April 9, 1778; died Aug. 21, 1854. Mrd. Rev. Christian Gross, Apr. 26, 1803. He was born Dec. 24, 1776; died July 22, 1865. Farmer and minister. Menn. Children: Abraham, Jacob, Mary, John, Christian, Isaac.
V. Isaac Gross, bn. July 18, 1821. Mrd. Deborah Wismer, Jan 15, 1852. Farmer. Menn. Children: David. Samuel, Sarah, Mary, Barbara, Tobias, John, Ephraim.
VI. Sarah Gross, bn. May 22, 1855. Mrd. Harvey Gayman. (See Index of References No. 3).
A Brief History of Jacob Wismer and a Complete Genealogical Family Register With Biographies of His Descendants from the Earliest Available Records to the Present Time By A J Fretz, Eli Wismer
Page 73
VI. Harvey Gayman, born Apr. 12, 1849. Mrd. Sarah Gross, in Sept. 1876. Formerly school-teacher, now farmer. P. O., Fountainville, Pa. Children:
VII. Bertha Gayman, bn. July 23, 1879.
VII. J. Willis Gayman, born Sept. 4, 1882; died Feb. 23, 1889.
VII. George G. Gayman, bn. Mar. 1, 1886.
Sarah Ann "Sallie" Wismer Gayman's Timeline
1855 |
May 27, 1855
Plumstead, Bucks, Pennsylvania, United States
1879 |
July 23, 1879
1882 |
September 4, 1882
1886 |
March 1, 1886
1940 |
June 28, 1940
Age 85
Plumstead, Bucks, Pennsylvania, United States
July 1, 1940
Age 85
Plumstead, Bucks, Pennsylvania, United States