Sarah C Nicholson

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About Sarah C Nicholson

  • Reference: MyHeritage Family Trees - SmartCopy: Oct 25 2019, 4:06:32 UTC
  • Sarah's various grandchildren listed additional children on their Eastern Apps including Penn, Wattie, James, Ira, Francis, Wiliam, Martha, and Sarah. None of these children appears on any censuses, so it appears they all died young.

Per will of father Evan Nicholson
“EVAN NICHOLSON left at his death the following children; John R. Nicholson, Jane, now wife of said Harlan, James, since died, Isaac, Martha, William, Walter, Ira, Pendleton, Sarah, David, Mary, the nine last under 21. Isaac, Martha and David reside in Arkansas. Edward Gunter now resides in Arkansas...Page 328 lists the 12 children as; John R., Jane, Martha R., William, Isaac E., James V., Walter A., Ira, Sarah C., David E. L., Mary and Warren P. (Is this Pendleton?) May 1842. Death of Edward Gunter who departed this life in the Cherokee Nation suggested. (States he had no relation in Alabama.) May 1844. Death of John R. Nicholson suggested. May 1845. States Pendleton Nicholson has died in testate.”

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