1720 |
19 Sep 1720 is the date of George's Baptism. |
1723 |
28 Apr 1723 is the date of John's Baptism. |
1725 |
15 Feb 1725 is the date of Edward's Baptism. |
1729 |
January 13, 1729
13 Jan 1729 is the date of William's Baptism. It is the same date as his brother John's Baptism. It is not known if may have been twins or for some reason they just happened to be baptised on the same day. If the latter is correct it is not known in what order they were born. |
Wrawby, Lincolnshire, England (United Kingdom)
13 Jan 1729 is the date of John's Baptism. It seems John was named after a younger brother who died in infancy. He was also baptised on the same day as his brother William. It is not known if they may have been twins, or it was somehow convenient for them to be baptised together. |
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