Sgt Jarvis Thayer Beal, Civil War Vet (USA)

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Sgt Jarvis Thayer Beal, Civil War Vet (USA)'s Geni Profile

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Sgt Jarvis Thayer Beal, Civil War Vet (USA)

Birthplace: Lewiston, Androscoggin, ME, United States
Death: August 24, 1916 (70)
Newton, Massachusetts, United States (carcinoma of the stomach with chronic interstitial nephritis)
Place of Burial: Sabattus, Androscoggin, Maine, United States
Immediate Family:

Son of Pvt Moses Gould Beal, Civil War veteran (USA) and Sarah Beal
Husband of Eleanor Blethen Beal and Olive Ann Beal
Father of Erwin William Beal, Sr.; Harold Augustus Beal; Carl Newton Beal; Lawrence Milton Beal; Thelma Susie Beal and 6 others
Brother of Arvilla Jennie Farr; Georgianna Beal; Herbert Moses Beal; Francisco G. Teel; Stephen S. Beal and 1 other
Half brother of Fred Beal; Georgia A. Pettingill; Ortez Beal; Nettie Strout; Lilla M. Baker and 1 other

Occupation: farmer
Managed by: Nancy D. Coon
Last Updated:

About Sgt Jarvis Thayer Beal, Civil War Vet (USA)

In 1862, Jarvis was 5'7" tall, dark complextion with black eyes and black hair. His occpuation was a farmer. Jarvis (nearly 17 years of age) enlisted along with his father, Moses as privates in Company G, Twenty-Third Maine Infantry on September 10, 1862 in Greene, Maine. See the previous chapter on Moses Goold Beal and the Civil War history of the Twenty-Third Maine Infantry. Jarvis was honorably discharged at Portland, Maine on June 27, 1863.

Jarvis re-enlisted back into the Civil War for three years at Lewiston, Maine on September 14, 1863 in Company K, Twenty-Ninth Maine Infantry. He served as a substitute for Elbridge Larrabee. Elbridge was in the draft, but he could hire a substitute to take his place, as in this case.

Company K was mustered into the United States service on November 13, 1863 at Camp E.D. Keyes in Augusta, Maine. The Twenty-Ninth Maine Infantry departed Portland, Maine on February 1, 1864. They departed on the Steamship De Molay, and proceeded to New Oleans, Louisiana. Jarvis participated in every battle and skirmish of his regiment. Jarvis particaipted in the Red River campaign in 1864, also with General Sheridan in the Shenandoah Valley campaign in West Virginia. Some of the battles he fought in were at Sabine Cross Roads, Pleasant Hill, Monett's Bluff and Cane River Crossing in Louisiana. Jarvis also fought in battles at Berryville, Opequan, Winchester, Fisher's Hill, and Cedar Creek in Virginia. Jarvis' unit also helped build the famous "Yankee Dam" also called "Bailey's Dam" at Alexandria, Louisiana on the Red River to help save the Federal fleet. His unit also helped guard the assassins of the late President Abraham Lincoln at the Washington Arsenal in Washinton, D.C

During his military service, Jarvis was said to have been off duty for a half a day. His obituary would say that he was loved and respected by his officers and enlisted personnel. He was always ready for duty and to do it well was his goal.

His rifle had the following stampings on it. Near the hammer area of the rifle, was stamped "1863 U.S. Springfield, along with a picture of an eagle". On the butt plate of his rifle was stamped "US 18 K". The "K" standing for Company K, and the serial number of 18. With the bayonet attached, the rifle stood about 6 foot tall, taller than Jarvis himself.

Jarvis was promoted to the rank of corporal on October 25, 1864 at Cedar Creek, Virginia. This promotion was just six days after a major battle at Cedar Creek. He would eventually be promoted to the rank of sergeant before the end of the Civil War. On June 21, 1866, Jarvis was honorably discharged at Hilton Head, South Carolina. He was mustered out of the United States service at Hart's Island in New York Harbor on June 27, 1866.

Jarvis lived in Greene, Maine after the Civil War ended from 1866 to 1874. Jarvis then lived in Webster, Maine form 1874 to 1889. The Town name of Webster has been sinced renamed to Sabattus.

Jarvis was a carpenter and a builder in Newton, Massachusetts. One notable building that Jarvis and his son, Abijah helped build was the Hunnewell Club. Built in 1896, this building was built for the Stanley Steamers and it was also used as a men's club. The massive building still stands today as a apartment/condominium complex at 84 Church Street in Newton.

On December 21, 1903, Jarvis states that he was 5 feet 7 inches tall, 210 pounds, and he had black eyes and black hair and a dark complexion

Jarvis was issued a government pension for his duty during the Civil War. His pension bureau number was #1059172, his claim for pension by certificate was #1077268. After Jarvis died, Eleanor was issued widow's pension #1078932 and #831073.

On February 16, 1916, Jarvis had his Civil War pension increased to the rate of $25.00 per month starting from November 25, 1915 to November 25, 1920. He was then suppose to receive another increase to $30.00 per month after November 25, 1920. Jarvis would not live to see that increase though.

Jarvis died at home on August 24, 1916 at 13 Clarendon Avenue in Newton {Newtonville}, Massachusetts. He died of carcinoma of the stomach with contributory chronic interstitial nephritis. Jarvis is buried at Pleasant Hill Cemetery in Sabattus, Maine. Jarvis fought in a battle at Pleasant Hill, Louisiana on April 9, 1864, and he now chose to be buried at Pleasant Hill Cemetery in Sabattus, Maine. Eleanor died at home April 16, 1925 at 2 Washington Terrace {Newtonville}. She had been collecting $30.00 a month at the time of her death from Jarvis' Civil War pension. Jarvis, Olive, and Eleanor and some of their children are buried next to each other.

Jarvis also had a G.A.R. marker to hold an Americal Flag by his headstone.

Jarvis obituary called him a "stanuch republican", and he was a member of the Charles Ward Post #62, G.A.R. in Newton {Newtonville}.

Created by: Charles Lewis Beal Record added: Mar 24, 2011 Find A Grave Memorial# 67394035


27 JUN 2018 21:02:54 GMT -0500 Geni World Family Tree MyHeritage The Geni World Family Tree is found on <A href="" target="_blank"></a>. Geni is owned and operated by MyHeritage. Collection 40000 3 27 JUN 2018 Added via a Person Discovery Discovery 40000:138785798:

  • Residence: Maine
  • Residence: Lewiston, Androscoggin, Maine
  • Residence: Greene, Androscoggin, Maine
  • Residence: Lewiston, Maine, USA, Lewiston, Androscoggin, Maine
  • Race: White
  • Residence: Lewiston, Lincoln, Maine, Lewiston, Androscoggin, Maine - 1850
  • Residence: Greene, Androscoggin, Maine, Greene, Androscoggin, Maine - 1860
  • Residence: Summer Street, Lewiston, Androscoggin, Maine - 1860
  • Residence: Greene, Androscoggin, Maine - 1860
  • Residence: Age: 14, Greene, Androscoggin, Maine - 1860
  • Military service: Age: 18 - Sep 29 1862 - Maine
  • Military service: Age: 18 - Nov 1 1863 - Maine
  • Residence: Age: 25; Census Post Office: Lisbon Falls, Webster, Androscoggin, Maine, United States - 1870
  • Residence: Webster, Androscoggin, Maine, Webster, Androscoggin, Maine, USA - 1870
  • Residence: Webster, Androscoggin, Maine, USA - 1870
  • Residence: Marital status: Married; Relation to Head of House: Self, Webster, Androscoggin, Maine, United States - 1880
  • Residence: Webster, Androscoggin, Maine, United States, Webster, Androscoggin, Maine, USA - 1880
  • Residence: Webster, Androscoggin, Maine, USA - 1880
  • Residence: Age: 34; Occupation: Carpenter; EnumerationDistrict: 021; MaritalStatus: Married; RelationToHead: Self, Webster, Androscoggin, Maine, USA - 1880
  • Residence: Age: 54; Marital Status: Married; Relation to Head of House: Head, Newton Ward 5, Middlesex, Massachusetts, USA - 1900
  • Residence: Newton Ward 5, Middlesex, Massachusetts - 1900
  • Residence: Age: 64; Marital Status: Married; Relation to Head of House: Head, Newton Ward 2, Middlesex, Massachusetts, USA - 1910
  • Residence: Newton Ward 2, Middlesex, Massachusetts, Newton Ward 2, Middlesex, Massachusetts - 1910
  • Residence: Newton Ward 2, Middlesex, Massachusetts - 1910
view all 17

Sgt Jarvis Thayer Beal, Civil War Vet (USA)'s Timeline

November 25, 1845
Lewiston, Androscoggin, ME, United States
June 29, 1867
Age 21
Maine, United States
February 18, 1869
Webster, Maine, Usa
October 28, 1870
Maine, Usa
November 25, 1873
Webster, Maine, Usa
October 6, 1881
Webster, Maine, Usa
January 24, 1884
Webster, Maine, Usa
August 9, 1892
Newton, Massachusetts, Usa