Shaul Seidel, Hy"d

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Shaul Seidel, Hy"d

Hebrew: הק' שאול זיידעל, הי"ד
Also Known As: "זיידל", "Saul"
Birthplace: Galanta, Galanta District, Trnava Region, Slovakia
Death: June 14, 1944 (38)
Auschwitz Birkenau, 20 Więźniów Oświęcimia, Oświęcim, oświęcimski, małopolskie, 32-603, Poland (Holocaust)
Immediate Family:

Son of Reb. Binyomin Seidlel, A.B.D. Galanta, Slovakia and Rebbetzen Gitel Seidel, Hy"d
Brother of Chizkiya Shloime Seidel, Hy"d; Janka (Hindel Esther) Fischer; Moshe Menachem Seidel; Yeshaya Seidel, Hy"d; Fradel Seidel, Hy"d and 2 others

Yahrzeit: כ"ג סיון ה'תש"ד
Managed by: Shulem D. Stern
Last Updated:
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Shaul Seidel, Hy"d's Timeline

May 31, 1906
Galanta, Galanta District, Trnava Region, Slovakia
June 14, 1944
Age 38
Auschwitz Birkenau, 20 Więźniów Oświęcimia, Oświęcim, oświęcimski, małopolskie, 32-603, Poland