Sirkka Leena Marjatta Paloposki

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Sirkka Leena Marjatta Paloposki (Räihä) (1924 - 1990)

Finnish: Sirkka Leena Marjatta
Birthplace: Vaasa, Vaasan Lääni, Pohjanmaa, Finland
Death: September 12, 1990 (66)
Tampere, Hämeen Lääni, Pirkanmaa, Finland
Place of Burial: Tampere, Pirkanmaa, Finland
Immediate Family:

Daughter of Sulo Petter Räihä and Elisabet Räihä
Wife of Johannes Paloposki
Mother of N.N. Paloposki and Private
Half sister of Paavo Sulo Kusti Räihä; Pentti Olavi Räihä; Pekka Arvo Räihä; Antti Päiviö Raiha and Aini Eliina Tommola

Managed by: Reijo Mitro Savola, Geni Curator
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Immediate Family

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Sirkka Leena Marjatta Paloposki's Timeline

May 16, 1924
Vaasa, Vaasan Lääni, Pohjanmaa, Finland
September 12, 1990
Age 66
Tampere, Hämeen Lääni, Pirkanmaa, Finland
Tampere, Pirkanmaa, Finland